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[ox-en] Fwd: Open Source vs. open source vs Free Software...


One reply to the interview I received indirectly, was this interesting
note. I'm posting it without permission so I don't include the name.

------- Forwarded Message

It used to be that Open Source == GNU Public License way back when in the dark
ages (mid-1980's  to early 1990's).

Then along came Linux, which sort of coopted Open Source away from GNU &
Richard Stallman, who then came up with Free Software, to differentiate
himself (again) from everyone else.

There has been open source software for much longer than the 4 years since
Eric Raymond et al. started the Open Source Initiative.

------- End of Forwarded Message

						Mit Freien Grüßen

Unread: 23 [ox], 23 [ox-en]


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