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[ox-en] proposal / vorschlag: Kiddy-Workshop

nachdem es die möglichkeit gibt, in einer schule zu übernachten, bin ich auf 
die idee gekommen, einen "kiddy-workshop" vorzuschlagen. also ca. 2,5 
stunden, in denen fragen beantwortet, eine einführung in Linux, und die 
unterschiede zw. Freier und proprietärer Software, oder ähnliches 
altersgerecht aufbereitet, angeboten werden.
hätte jemand von den anreisenden "expertInnen" lust so was zu machen? 
as we are going to organize mass accommodation in a school, i thought it would 
be nice to give some kind of kiddy workshop. maybe 2,5 hours, where we answer 
questions or give an introduction to Linux and Free Software to interested 
pupils from the school. is there somebody who would like to do such a 
"Ain't it a shame that it's hard to believe,
each of us has something to give and
it's ok to receive."
                     Marshall  Rosenberg
Organization: projekt

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