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[ox-en] Re: [pox] open project: Vodes.Net

hi Stefan and all others who are interested,

scepticists help the cause the best because it helps us figuring out flaws and things that can be done better.:)

im not going too much into the links you quoted because they are about the background and music and not software. jsut that much: we are drafting two licenses: a analogue one (with access restrcitions) and a digital license (reflecting the chagning environment without access restrictions). in the analoge license, only the costs for the next album are raised (around 2000 euro). if the artist chooses this analog license, (s)he has to pay back a fraction to the invoders over a period of 7 years. there are access restrictions and the artists bears some economic risk. under the digital license, costs plus some profits for the artist are raised upfront (e.g. 5 000 euro). then there are no access restrictions. of course, if the streetperformer protocal did not work with stephen king how on earth should it work with Marek and Andreas Karlsson, etc.?!? perhaps the personal line of code, coupled with concert vouchers are giving people an incentive to invode and directly fund an artist.

anyhow, since this forum here is about software, i keep focussed on community fundraising in the case of open source. my fault that i did not include this link: it has more to do with software (and associated information goods) and not so much with the background. sorry bout that.

the goal is to complement non-economic interest (time and knowledge) investment made by developers with economic (monetary) investment made by users for tasks which are not attractive to developers (as beta testing, writing documentation, doing translation). whats so terrible about giving developers money (upfront) to write a documentation? the outcome would be a free, top-notch documentation written by the person(s) who made the script.

what makes people pay? perhaps the factor time. people who wanna have a translation perhaps pay if they get the translation sooner (yes, there should be an exclusivity period of a few weeks as to reward people who invest in the creation). an important factor is size of the community - the bigger the community, the lower to cost sto the individual voder/user, the bigger his incentive to invode (e.g. getting a german translation is easier than getting a bosnian translation because the same (absolute) costs can be distributed among a many more users resulting in a very low individual burden.

On Sun, 19 Jun 2005 16:18:33 [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED], Stefan Merten <smerten> wrote:



On [pox] we received the following mail. Because this is rather
on-topic here I forward it here - and give a short comment.

3 weeks (21 days) ago Core Team V N wrote:

We have been told about the Oekonux project. Perhaps there is some overlap
between what you guys are doing and what we are trying to set up here.

Generally, it is about the setting up of a fund raising platform which
enables direct funding of artists (e.g. by selling shares of music
albums). Voders would be "shareholders" in that they jointly own the
platform, but there is no money involved. Voders need to pay one Euro
annually and get certain rights in exchange (e.g. dismissing the
management board). There is also a supervisory board (Community Wisdom
Council) overseeing the Steering Committee (management board).

Open Source developers are also artists in a way. We invite people to
comment on the usability of the Voding concept in the case of translations
and testing. In theory, economic incentives could very well complement
non-economic incentives (beta testing and writing translations are
extremely important, but not very interesting to developers). In this
case, Voding could - we believe - be positive provided the core developing
community manages the fund raising process.

Here's some background on our project:

Community Property Pool:


People's IPO:

Core Team V.N.

I quickly checked the links above. To me it looks like this project is
very much based on exchange - including (artificial) scarcity by
access limitations:

  As for (1), Voders who translate the concept in other languages,
  submit proposals for Community Contests, help in organizing concerts
  etc. get Support and Creativity Points (together referred to as
  Community Points). Those Points enable them to get tracks from the
  CPP in high quality. The CPP is openly accessible and can be
  listened to by anyone. The Format is Ogg in dial-up quality. Any
  song in this pool can be "purchased" by Voders with their CP. They
  get a higher quality (192 kbps). For instance, you translate 100
  words of the V.N. concept into Spanish and get yourself 10 Support
  Points. Those 10 points will get you two songs of the CPP in high

  (From "Community Property Pool")

Well, to me it looks like this has all little to do with the concepts
of Free Software as they are discussed in this project. However, it is
one of the attempts to embed exchange economy in Free Projects and
vice versa. I for one am sceptical about approaches like this.

						Mit Freien Grüßen

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Core Team V.N.

Contact: projekt

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