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[ox-en] Steven Weber * The Success of Open Source

Hi Oekonuxis!

I finally made it to complete reading of that great book "The Success
of Open Source" by Steven Weber. Moreover I wrote a recension of the
book you can find below and on

						Mit Freien Grüßen


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General impressions

A really great book! The book looks at the practice of Free Software
projects and from this collects a lot of insights in how Free Software
projects function. Then it presents these insights in a consistent
framework. An essential thesis is that Free Software constituted a new
notion of property and that this new notion of property results in new
governance structures.

When I started reading the book I planned to quote some highlights and
so marked interesting paragraphs on the margin. The problem is: Nearly
every page has at least one such mark! This recension mainly consists
of quotes from the book which I find most insightful or otherwise
interesting. All the page numbers given are for the hardback version
of the book.

I think for everyone who seriously wants to participate in Oekonux_
this book is a must-read. For Oekonux Chapter 5 about microfoundations
of Free Software relates much to the term Selbstentfaltung which is
something we already thought a lot about. Chapter 6 about
macrofoundations of Free Software relates to what has been called the
OHA problem in Oekonux. An area where we did not make substantial
advances in the past. May be for seasoned Oekonux participants this is
therefore one of the most interesting parts of the book.

Chapter 1: Property and the Problem of Software

The first chapter presents some initial questions and thesises.

  I explain the creation of a particular kind of software - open
  source software - as an experiment in social organization around a
  distinctive notion of property. The conventional notion of property
  is, of course, the right to exclude your from using something that
  belongs to me. Property in open source is configured fundamentally
  around the right to distribute, not the right to exclude. If that
  sentence feels awkward on first reading, that is a testimony to just
  how deeply embedded in our intuitions and institutions the exclusion
  view of property really is.

  Open source is an experiment in building a political economy - that
  is, a system of sustainable value creation and a set of governance
  mechanisms. In this case it is a governance system that holds
  together a community of producers around this counterintuitive
  notion of property rights as distribution. It is also a political
  economy that taps into a broad range of human motivations and relies
  on a creative and evolving set of organized structures to coordinate
  behavior. [p.1f.]

  Ultimately the success of open source is a political story. The open
  source software process is not a chaotic free-for-all in which
  everyone has equal power and influence. And is is certainly not an
  idyllic community of like-minded friends i which consensus reigns
  and agreement is easy. In fact, conflict is not unusual in this
  community; it's endemic and inherent to the open source process. The
  management of conflict is politics and indeed there is a political
  organization at work here, with the standard accouterments of power,
  interests, rules, behavioral norms, decision-making procedures, and
  sanctioning mechanisms. But it is not a political organization that
  looks familiar to the logic of an industrial-era political economy.

About the importance of Free Software for a new society:

  The open source phenomenon is in some ways the first and certainly
  one of the most prominent indigenous political statements of the
  digital world. [p.7]

About three interesting questions for political economy:

  * *Motivations of individuals:* The microfoundation of the open
    source process depend on individual behavior that is at first
    glance surprising, even startling. Public goods theory predicts
    that nonrival and nonexcludable goods ought to encourage free
    riding. Particularly if the good is subject to collective
    provision, and many people must contribute together to get
    something of value, the system should unravel backward toward
    underprovision. When, then, do highly talented programmers choose
    voluntarily to allocate some or a substantial portion of their
    time and mind space to a joint project for which they will not be

  * *Coordination:* How and why do these individuals coordinate their
    contributions on a single focal point? The political economy of
    any production process depends on pulling together individual
    efforts in a way that they add up to a functioning product.
    Authority within a firm and the price mechanism across firms are
    standard means of coordinating specialized knowledge in a highly
    differentiated division of labor, but neither is operative in open
    source. Instead, individuals choose for themselves what they want
    to work on. Money is not a central part of the equation. And any
    individual can freely modify source code and then redistribute
    modified versions to others. A simple analogy to ecology suggests
    what might happen over time as modifications accumulate along
    different branching chains. Speciation - what computer scientists
    call code-forking - seems likely. In effect the system evolves
    into incompatible versions. Synergies in development are lost. And
    any particular developer has to choose one or another version as
    the basis of his future work. This is essentially what happened to
    another major operating system, Unix, in the 1980s. How does the
    open source process sustain coordinated cooperation among a large
    number of contributors, outside the bounds of hierarchical or
    market mechanisms?

  * *Complexity:* Software is an extraordinarily complex technical
    artifact. In *The Mythical Man-Month*, a classic study of the
    social organization of computer programming, Frederick Brooks
    noted that when large organizations add manpower to a software
    project that is behind schedule, the project typically falls even
    further behind schedule. He explained this with an argument that
    is now known as Brooks's Law. As you raise the number of
    programmers on a project, the work that gets done scales linearly,
    while complexity and vulnerability to mistakes scales
    geometrically. This is supposed to be inherent in the logic of
    division of labor - the geometric progression represents the
    scaling of the number of possible communication paths and
    interfaces between pieces of code written by individual
    developers. Chapter 3 considers in detail the deeper line of
    reasoning behind this argument, which is an incredibly interesting
    statement about the relationship between complex systems of
    meaning and the imperfections of human communication. Recognize
    for the moment the challenge it poses to organization. What is the
    nature of governance within the open source process that enables
    this community to manage the implications of Brooks's Law and
    perform successfully with such complex systems?


About the importance of Linux as a certain artifact:

  Remember what is potentially durable and possibly deserving of the
  term "revolutionary" - not a particular manifestation of a process
  but the process itself. After all, the logistics revolution was not
  any single container ship or a company building tractor-trailer
  trucks; it was a new way of moving goods around the world. [p.14]

About perspectives on changes:

  My point is that during the early stages of economic and social
  change, analysts often pay more attention to what is going away than
  what is struggling to be born. To use Schumpeter's phrasing, it is
  easier to see precisely the destructive side of creative
  destruction, than it is to see the creative side. [p.15]

About the notion of property in Free Software:

  Open source radically inverts the idea of exclusion as a basis of
  thinking about property. *Property in open source is configured
  fundamentally around the right to distribute, not the right to
  exclude.* [p.16]

Chapter 2: The Early History of Open Source

The first chapter about this chapter:

  Chapter 2 traces the early history of the open source process. It
  focuses on the interaction between technology, culture, and
  politics. It explains how open source grew out of early programming
  needs, how it established a technical aesthetic and a nascent
  political culture, and how both were affected by Justice Department
  antitrust actions, corporate strategies, and changes in the way
  mainstream technology users behaved. [p.18]

This chapter draws a very well-informed picture about the early days
of computing and what this meant for Free Software. It tells about
technological innovations and their impact on the way people think
about computing. It emphasizes how much the way of thinking Unix -
like strict modularization - is based on preformed the way of thinking
about Free Software. From personal experience I agree with this
analysis wholeheartedly.

The chapter also gives a good outline of the organizational background
of Unix - i.e. the back and forth between AT&T, University of
Berkeley, the upcoming Internet, Sun and so on. It also mentions the
grassroots like the Homebrew Computer Club and also the Free Software
Foundation. The chapter ends at the time when Linux started.

Chapter 3: What Is Open Source and How Does It Work?

The first chapter about this chapter:

  Chapter 3 gives a more precise description of the phenomenon. How
  does the open source process function? I present data that capture
  an important part of what we know about the open source process and
  the people who contribute to it. I use this to build an ideal-type
  description of open source as a production process for complex
  knowledge goods. [p.18]

About the importance of creativity for developing software:

  That is why great poetry is almost always the product of a single
  creative mind. It can be helped along, of course. Design practices
  and general rules can be and are taught to aspiring poets, and to
  aspiring software designers. Technology provides both with tools to
  assist their work, from word processors to elegant test programs for
  software modules. But technology cannot now, and will not in the
  foreseeable future, solve the problem of creativity and innovation
  in nondecomposable complex systems. The essence of software design,
  like the writing of poetry, is a creative process. The role of
  technology and organization is to liberate that creativity to the
  greatest extent possible and to facilitate its translation into
  working code. Neither new technology not a "better" division of
  labor can replace the creative essence that drives the project.

About the central characteristics of Free Software:

  *The key element of the open source process, as an ideal type, is
  voluntary participation and voluntary selection of tasks.* [p.62]

About the distinction of division and distribution of labor:

  In fact the underlying notion of a division of labor doesn't fit the
  open source process at all. Labor is *distributed*, certainly - it
  could hardly be otherwise in projects that involve large numbers of
  contributors. But it is not really divided in the industrial sense
  of that term. [p.62]

About the importance of organization for the understanding of the
success of Free Software:

  *If Brooks is even partially right about the nature of complexity,
  then the success of open source cannot simply depend on getting more
  people or even the "right" people to contribute to the project. It
  depends also, and crucially, on how those people are organized.*

The chapter then goes on to look at studies which try to find out
which people contribute. One important result is that there are
relatively few people who contribute a lot and relatively many people
who contribute only one or two items. It then comes to the question of
what these people actually do.

About the roots of the procedures:

  The logic of what open source user-programmers do did not emerge
  from abstract theory. No one deduced a set of necessary tasks or
  procedures from a formal argument about how to sustain large-scale,
  decentralized collaboration. It was a game of trial and error - but
  a game that was played out by people who had a deep and
  fine-grained, if implicit understanding of the texture of the
  community they were going to mobilize. Over time, observers studied
  the behavior as it played out in practice and tried to characterize
  its key features. Drawing heavily on Eric Raymond's keen analysis
  supplemented by a set of interviews and my own observations, I offer
  eight general principles that capture the essence of what people do
  in the open source process. [p.73]

These principles are:

1. Make it interesting and make sure it happens

   Because all all contributions are voluntary people work in areas
   they find interesting. Those parts of software development which
   for most are less interesting must be made interesting by other
   means like public credit.

   Also because people do not want to waste their contribution they
   need to believe that their contributions are really used.

2. Scratch an itch

   Put simply: Solve real problems people have.

3. Minimize how many times you have to reinvent the wheel

4. Solve problems through parallel work processes whenever possible

   What is meant here is that problems are solved in a evolutionary
   way where parallel developments are tried more or less
   independently and at some point one of them is selected to be
   followed further while others are dropped.

5. Leverage the law of large numbers

   This means that to test your software in an optimal way you give it
   to as much users as possible to generate the maximum test patterns.

6. Document what you do

   Documentation is necessary to transport the ideas contained in a
   piece of software from one mind to another - across space as well
   as across time.

7. Release early and release often

8. Talk a lot

For me pages 73-82 where these principles are laid down and explained
are among the most interesting parts of the whole book.

On the question how Free Software developers collaborate the chapter
mentions three empirical facts:

* Technology is an enabler

  A quote illustrates nicely what is meant here:

    Put 25 people in a room and communication slows down, whereas an
    email list can communicate with 25 people just as quickly and
    cheaply as it communicates with 10 or 250. As the numbers scale
    and the network grows, the likelihood of proliferating weak ties -
    that is, pulling into the process people with very different sets
    of expertise and knowledge - goes up as well. [p.83]

* Licensing schemes as social structure

  Again a quote comes in handy to explain the meaning of this point:

    The basic assumptions behind open source is that people want to be
    creative and original and they don't need much additional
    incentive to engage in this manner. The only times when innovation
    will be "undersupplied" is when creative people are prevented from
    accessing the raw materials and tools that they need for work.
    Distributions of raw materials and tools, then, is the fundamental
    problem that an intellectual property rights regime needs to
    solve. Solving that problem allows the system to release fully the
    creative energies of individuals. Even better, it promises to
    ratchet up the process over time as a "commons" of raw materials
    grows. Open source intellectual property aims at creating a social
    structure that expands, not restricts, the commons.

    The regime takes shape in a set of "licenses" written for the most
    part in the language of standard legal documents. For now think of
    these licenses as making up a social structure for the open source
    process. In the absence of a corporate organization to act as an
    ordering device, licensing schemes are, in fact, the major formal
    social structure surrounding open source. [p.84f.]

* Architecture tracks organization

  This is a point which I know so well from my paid work - but I guess
  it is a bit hard to understand the meaning of this point unless you
  know it from your own experience. In short: The way a development
  organization is shaped is reflected in the artifacts it creates.
  Another quote may shed more light on this:

    Implicitly then, and often explicitly, technical decisions are
    influenced by beliefs about effective ways to organize
    development. Technical discussions on how things should work and
    should be done are intimately related to beliefs about and
    reflections of the complex collaboration problem invoked by
    voluntary large-scale parallel processing in open source
    development. Technical rationality may be a necessary part of the
    foundation of the open source process, but it is not sufficient.

The chapter ends with the question on how open source developers
resolve disagreements.

On the sources of conflict:

  Major conflicts within the open source process seem to center on
  three kinds of issues. The first is who makes the final decisions if
  there are deep and seemingly irreconcilable disagreements over the
  goodness of a specific solution, or a general direction for dealing
  with a problem. The second is who receives credit for specific
  contributions to a project. (Ironically, this second source of
  conflict can become worse in more successful collaborations, because
  much of what is good in these collaborations is created in the
  context of relationships as much as by any particular individual.)
  The third major source of conflict is the possibility of forking.
  The right to fork *per se* is not an issue. What causes contention
  is the issue of legitimacy. It is a question of who can credibly and
  defensibly choose to fork the code, and under what conditions.

What constitutes the fundament for conflict resolution:

  In open source much of the important conflict management takes place
  through behavioral patterns and norms. There are two descriptive
  elements of these norms that I consider here: the visible nature of
  leadership and the structures of decision-making. [p.89]

The chapter then describes a couple of variants of leadership. But it

  This kind of variance does not demonstrate that leadership is
  irrelevant; instead it suggests that there are different ways to
  lead and that a satisfying explanation of the open source process
  needs to go beyond the question of leadership. [p.90f.]

The chapter continues with descriptions of a couple of decision-making
schemes found in Free Software projects. Similar to leadership it

  Each of these decision-making systems has strengths and weaknesses
  as coordination mechanisms. [...] What they share is the fundamental
  characteristic of the open source process - there is no authority to
  enforce the roles and there is nothing to stop an individual
  programmer or group of programmers from stepping outside the system.
  On a whim, because of a fundamental technical disagreement, or
  because of a personality conflict, anyone could take the Linux code
  base or the Apache code base and create their own project around it,
  with different decision rules and structures. Open source code and
  the license schemes positively empower this option. To explain the
  open source process is, in large part, to explain why that does not
  happen very often and why it does when it does, as well as what that
  means for cooperation. [p.92f.]

Chapter 4: A Maturing Model of Production

The first chapter about this chapter:

  Chapter 4 continues the history of open source to the present. It
  was in the 1990s that open source acquired a self-conscious identity
  as a community. By the end of the 1990s, open source had become a
  phenomenon, in product markets, capital markets, mainstream
  corporate settings, and in the imagination of many people inside and
  outside the software engineering world. This history demonstrates
  the viability of (at least) two discrete ways of organizing the
  production of software, each of which is embedded in distinctive
  notions of property, policy, business models, and ideas in popular
  imagination. [p.18]

Indeed this chapter continues the history of Free Software from the
early days of Linux close to the present (but probably before the huge
success of Firefox). Again it is a well-informed text which picks up
on many important events in the Free Software history.

Here are some quotes which express the principles which have been
established during this time:

  This [founding of an autonomous X windows project] set an important
  principle for mass open source development projects: If there is
  something you want and others also want it enough to help you build
  it, go ahead and do it.

  Torvalds's response to the X windows project established a second
  important principle. Torvalds did more than accept the new project
  and cooperate with the X windows developers. He made use of the X
  windows project as a way of stressing and testing the foundations of
  the Linux kernel in new circumstances. [p.103]

  This series of events [around the development of a network stack for
  Linux] established a third principle of open source organization,
  more specifically the organization of decision-making in Linux.
  Torvalds's actions created a leadership role for Alan Cox. Cox was
  then the semiofficial "networking guy" and the community of
  developers began to send most communications or code patches having
  to do with network functions directly to him, rather than to
  Torvalds. The lieutenant model was born, along with the informal
  pyramidal hierarchy that characterizes decision making for Linux. It
  was never decided *per se*; it simply evolved in practice. Torvalds
  endorsed and legitimized the practice when he started sending
  networking code that was submitted to him down the line to Cox
  before Torvalds himself acted on it. [p.105]

About how conflicts are carried out:

  This long exchange [between Torvalds and Tanenbaum very early in
  Linux history] illustrates some of the distinctive characteristics
  of conflict in the open source process. It is carried out entirely
  in the open, with messages on email lists accessible to everyone in
  the community. Ultimately the discussions get down to technical
  issues, clarifying the trade-offs among design strategies and
  decisions that matter for the function and performance of software.
  Torvalds was forced to think hard about the limitations and problems
  with his design and justify a plan of attack to the community, which
  actively responded and prodded and pushed. And because all the
  communications were archived on the lists (they still can be read
  today, and they often are), people were for the most part offering
  closely reasoned opinions that educated the community about the
  issues in play. [p.102]

About reasons for shift of leadership:

  Lack of responsiveness of this kind [as the NSCA developers showed
  before Apache was forked off] is a clear cue that leadership of an
  open-source style development process is failing and represents a de
  facto invitation to fork the code. [p.110]

About moral in Free Software:

  Stallman understood that most of his audience were pragmatists. He
  was trying to change that fact by illustrating the values he felt
  were at stake in their practice, and moving the entire frame of the
  discussion about software into the realm of ethics. For better or
  worse, he failed at that task. Pragmatism is still the prevalent
  "moral" stance among developers and users of computer software.

Chapter 5: Explaining Open Source: Microfoundations

The first chapter about this chapter:

  Chapters 5 and 6 are the core explanation of the open source
  process. I break the explanation into two separate buckets [...].
  The first is about microfoundations. Why do individuals choose
  voluntarily to allocate a portion of their time, effort, and mind
  space to the open source process? What is the economic logic of the
  collective food that is being built that frames these decisions?
  This is the focus of chapter 5. [...] [p.18]

About the fields which need research and the way of thinking which is
best suited for this research:

  I am attempting to build an understanding that covers at least four
  different bases. A good explanatory story must be *social* because
  open source software is a collective phenomenon, the product of
  voluntary collaboration among groups of people. It must also be a
  *political* story because formal and informal structures and
  organizations function to allocate scarce resources and manage
  conflicts as well as promote certain practices and values. It must
  be a *technical* story because the core product of the open source
  process is software code. And it must also be an *economic* story,
  in a fundamental way. I do not mean that familiar notions of
  economic behavior like rent-seeking, opportunism, and even standard
  cost-benefit analyses need to be front and center. What I do mean is
  a more primitive version of economic reasoning. At the center of the
  open source process are autonomous individuals who make choices
  about what to do with their limited time and energy. To understand
  the reasoning behind their choices is to understand the microlevel
  economics of open source.

  Political economy as a way of thinking covers most of these bases.

About altruism as an explanation:

  If altruism were the primary driving force behind open source
  software, no one would care very much about who was credited for
  particular contributions. And it wouldn't matter who was able to
  license what code under what conditions. Certainly people help each
  other in open source for the sake of helping - as elsewhere, one of
  the ways people express their values is in the act of providing
  help. Richard Stallman's original manifesto likened the act of
  sharing code to neighbors helping each other to put out a fire. But
  neighbors know each other; they live next to each other over time; a
  fire next door to my house threatens my house directly; and I have
  reason to expect reciprocity from my neighbor at some time in the
  future. The geographical distribution and relative anonymity of the
  Internet makes altruism a dicier proposition. There is in fact
  important evidence against the prevalence of altruistic behavior on
  the Internet, even in settings (such as peer-to-peer networking) in
  which there are no or very small possible costs associated with
  making contributions. [p.131]

About self-organization as an explanatory term:

  First, self-organization is used too often as a placeholder for an
  unspecified mechanism. The term becomes a euphemism for "I don't
  really understand the mechanisms that holds the system together."
  That is the political equivalent of cosmological dark matter.

  Better-specified notions of self-organization build on the notion
  that order arises organically or endogenously out of the local
  interactions among individuals. Here self-organization is being used
  in contrast to overarching authority or governance - a useful
  comparison. But that does not relieve the obligation to explain
  *how* those local interactions add up to "global" order. [p.132]

  Second, I shy away from the heading "self-organization" due to the
  normative peculiarities of the discourse that it prompts.
  Self-organization often evokes an optimistically tinged "state of
  nature" narrative, a story about the food way things would
  "naturally" evolve if the "meddling" hands of corporations and
  lawyers and governments and bureaucracies would just stay away. Of
  course those non-self-organized organizations have their own
  narratives, which portray the state of nature as a chaotic mess.

  To pose two state-of-nature narratives against each other creates a
  battle of assumptions, a tournament of null hypotheses, which is not
  productive. The underlying presumption - that there *is* in a fact a
  state of nature without human agency - is even more damning to the
  discourse when we are talking about something like software code or
  knowledge production more generally. *There is no state of nature on
  the Internet.* Knowledge does not want to be "free" (or for that
  matter, owned) more than it wants to be anything else. We are going
  to be creating lots of new things in this technological space, and
  we can organize the creation of those things however we want. This
  is social constructivism at its core, pitting different social
  constructivist narratives against each other instead of against an
  imaginary state of nature. [p.132f.]

Then the chapter goes on to explain two questions on the micro-level:

* Individual motivations

* Economic logic of the collective good

About the individual motivations the chapter then identifies six
categories of motivation:

* Art and beauty

* Job as vocation

* The joint enemy

* Ego boosting

* Reputation

* Identity and belief systems

About art and beauty:

  The fun enjoyment, and *artistry* of solving interesting programming
  problems clearly motivate open source developers. Developers speak
  of writing code not only as an engineering problem but also as an
  aesthetic pursuit, a matter of style and elegance that makes coding
  an act of self-expression. [p.136]

About job as vocation:

  Creating elegant or clean code is part of the programmer's
  experience of *the job as vocation*. The idea of writing code to
  "scratch your own itch" is critical because it is a standard part of
  most software engineers' jobs. [p.137]

  While Schumpeter is often read as a story about economic rents, he
  also believed deeply in the emotional experience of creativity, the
  erotic satisfaction of making something new and making it work.
  Leaving behind the monopoly rents and emphasizing the erotic
  satisfaction in Schumpeterian innovation creates a setting in which
  innovators are deeply incentivized to share their work as broadly as
  possible with others. There is simply no cost, and considerable
  benefits to be had, by acting in this way. "Scratching your itch"
  then becomes a story about satisfaction that comes with solving your
  own problem *and* solving someone else's problems as well. [p.139]

About the joint enemy:

  For many open source developers, this experience [of job as a
  vocation] is embedded in an ongoing battle with a *joint enemy*.
  Microsoft is the obvious villain, but in fact this single company
  acts as a proxy for a wide array of proprietary software developers.


  Code should be a open not for moral reasons *per se*, but because
  development processes built around open source code yield better
  software. The "enemy" is not an ideological villain; it is a
  technical and business practice villain and that is what the
  conflict is about. Microsoft is the exemplar because this company is
  seen as sacrificing a technical aesthetic to ruthless business
  practice aimed at gaining market share and profits. [p.139]

About ego boosting:

  Individual *ego-boosting* is a powerful motivating force for open
  source developers, but it is not a simple one. For the developer's
  self-recognition, there is a consistent finding across surveys that
  the challenge of programming in the open source environment is a
  source of satisfaction ([...]). Within the community, ego as a
  driving force is openly acknowledged and accepted. In trying to
  create a legacy as a great programmer, many developers believe
  deeply that "scientific" success will outstrip and outlive financial
  success. [...] Yet there is a strong countercurrent against overt
  *egotism*. Self-recognition and self-satisfaction are important, but
  the hacker is not supported to self-promote at the expense of
  others; in fact, the norm is to be externally humble and
  (humorously, if possible) deprecate yourself. Bragging is
  off-limits: The norm is that your work brags for you. [p.140]

About reputation:

  Related to but separable from ego-boosting is the issue of
  *reputation*. A reliance on what others think of the quality of your
  work is not always a sign of unhealthy emotional dependence on
  external evaluation. In the case of complex knowledge products with
  aesthetic as well as functional value, it can also be a cognitive
  component of concrete feedback. [p.141]

About reputation as an alienated motivation:

  Lerner and Tirole portray an individual programmer as engaged in a
  straightforward, instrumental cost-benefit analysis that goes like
  this: Ego gratification is important because it stems from peer
  recognition. Peer recognition is important because it creates a
  reputation. A reputation as a great programmer is valuable because it
  can be turned into money in commercial settings - in the form of job
  offers, privileged access to venture capital, the ability to attract
  cooperation from other great programmers.

  The key point in this story is the signaling argument. [p.141f.]

  The Lerner and Tirole argument is easy to nail down in traditional
  economic terms, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is the most
  important driver of individual behavior. Both the survey data and
  interview and anecdotal data suggests that it is not the most
  important conscious consideration for developers. [...] And the
  simple behavioral fact is that most code - as long as it works -
  does not get widely read, which undermines the claim that people
  write it to boost their monetizable reputations. [p.143]

  In any case, the reputonics argument [like described above] leaves
  several things unexplained and creates problems of its own, such as
  the following very important puzzle. If reputation were the primary
  motivation, we should be able to tell some version of this kind of
  story: Assume that project leaders like Torvalds receive greater
  reputational returns than general programmers do. Then programmers
  should compete to become project leaders, particularly on
  high-profile projects, of which there are a limited number. This
  competition could take at least two forms. We would expect to see a
  significant number of direct challenges to Torvalds's leadership,
  but in fact there have been few such challenges. Alternatively, we
  could see "strategic forking." A strategic forker would fork a
  project not for technical reasons, but rather to create a project
  that he or she could lead. [...]

  The problem with this kind of story is that it simply hasn't
  happened. [p.143]

About identity and belief systems:

  Part of the counterpoint to a competition in reputation comes from
  strong elements of shared *identity and belief systems* within the
  community of developers. Steven Levy in his 1984 book *Hackers*
  chronicled the development of hacker culture around MIT in the early
  1960s. Levy described the following key tenets of that culture,
  which continue to characterize the open source community to a
  surprising degree:

  * *Access to computers should be unlimited - the so called hands-on
    imperative.* [...]

  * *Information should be "free".* [...]

  * *Mistrust authority and promote decentralization.* [...]

  * *Judge people only on the value of what they create, not who they
    are or what credentials they present.* [...]

  * *People can create art and beauty on computers.* [...]

  * *Computers can change human live for the better.* [...]


  A simple but foundational one [i.e. such an element] is the notion
  that personal efficacy not only benefits from, but positively
  requires, a set of cooperative relationships with others. [...] The
  belief is that the community empowers the individual to help
  himself. [p.145]

  A related shared belief is that experimentation is the highest form
  of human behavior. To try new things that challenge one's skills and
  the skills of others is not just a tool for individual learning and
  development; it is a contribution to the community. [p.145f.]

  Finally there is an explicit recognition that these elements of
  share identity and beliefs do not maintain themselves. Rather,
  "community standards, ... are maintained by people actively applying
  them, visibly, *in public*." [p.146]

After explaining these individual motivations the chapter then
explains that these are important but alone can not explain the
success of Free Software. Before the macrofoundations are researched
in the next chapter some light is shed on the economic logic of the
collective good.

The chapter tells that the notion of gift economy which some use to
explain Free Software is built on *abundance*. However:

  Yet there is a flaw in the gift economy argument. What, exactly, is
  the nature of abundance in this setting? [p.150]

It's clear that it is not the abundance in computing power and
bandwidth. Instead:

  *Meaning and value depend on human mind space and the commitment of
  time and energy by very smart people to a creative enterprise.* And
  the time, energy, and brain power of smart, creative people are not
  abundant. [p.151]

The chapter then goes on to look at the economic logic from the
perspective of *scarcity*:

  Open source software is the epitome of a nonexcludable good, because
  no one is prevented from consuming it. It is also entirely nonrival
  in the sense that any number of users can download and run a piece
  of software without decreasing the supply that remains for others.
  This presents a straightforward economic puzzle of an essentially
  pure public good. Put simply, the problem facing each rational
  self-interested actor is the opportunity to free ride. [p.151]

About Rishab Ayer Ghosh's cooking pot model explaining the economics
of Free Software as a sort of non-direct exchange:

  This is an attractive argument, but it too has a hole. Nonrivalness
  foes not by itself make the challenge of joint provision go away.
  The missing piece in Ghosh's argument is that it does not explain the
  "trade." What is the underlying story that accounts for an exchange
  relations hop here? In fact no trade is necessary. It is still a
  narrowly rational act for any single individual to take copies of
  multiple products from the pot without contributing anything at all,
  and thus free ride on the contributions of others. The collective
  action problem is still fundamentally in place. [p.153]

The chapter than develops the notion of an anti-rival good:

  I believe the solution to this problem lies in pushing the concept
  of non-rivalness one step further. Software in many circumstances is
  more than simply non-rival. Operating systems like Linux in
  particular, and almost software in general, actually are subject to
  positive network externalities. Call it a network good, or an
  anti-rival good (an awkward, but nicely descriptive term). In
  simpler language, it means that the value of a piece of software to
  any user increases as more people use the software on their machines
  and in their particular settings. Compatibility in the standard
  sense of a network good is one reason why this is so. Just as it is
  more valuable for me to have a fax machine if lots of other people
  also have fax machines, as more computers in the world run a
  particular operating system or application it becomes easier to
  communicate and share files across those computers. Each becomes
  slightly more valuable to existing users as each new users enters
  the picture.

  Open source software makes an additional and very important use of
  anti-rivalness, in maintenance and debugging. Remember the argument
  that there exists an infinite number of paths through the lines of
  code in even a moderately complex piece of software. The more users
  (and the more different kind of users) actively engage in using a
  piece of software, the more likely that any particular bug will
  surface in someone's experience. And once a bug is identified, it
  becomes possible to fix it, improving the software at a faster rate.
  Thus is hugely important to the economics of software users, because
  customization, debugging and maintenance usually accounts for at
  least half (and sometimes considerably more) of the total cost of
  ownership of enterprise software.

  The point is that open source software is not simply a non-rival
  good in the sense that it can tolerate free riding without reducing
  the stock of the good for the contributors. It is actually
  anti-rival in the sense that *the system as a whole positively
  benefits from free riders*. Some (small) percentage of free riders
  will provide something of value to the joint product - even if it is
  just reporting a bug out of frustration, requiring a new feature, or
  complaining about a function that could be better implemented. In
  fact one wonders if it makes sense to use the term "free rider"
  here. Regardless - the more "free riders" in this setting, the
  better. [p.153f.]

Chapter 6: Explaining Open Source: Macrofoundations

The first chapter about this chapter:

  Chapters 5 and 6 are the core explanation of the open source
  process. I break the explanation into two separate buckets [...].
  The second bucket is macro-organizational. How do individuals work
  with each other and govern that process, in a way that makes their
  contributions add up to a joint product? This is the focus of
  chapter 6. [p.18]

So this chapter is first about how the coordination in Free Software
functions and second what the governance schemes are and how they

The abstract answer to the coordination problem:

  Albert Hirschmann's classic argument from *Exit, Voice and Loyalty*
  is a useful metaphor here. While the open source *process*
  certainly encourages the use of voice, open source *licenses* are
  designed explicitly to empower exit rather than loyalty as the
  alternative when voice fails. The core freedom in free software is
  precisely and explicitly the right to fork. All other driving forces
  are present in the open source process, and they are embedded in a
  culture that encourages intense and vehement disagreement. What
  holds the process together? In an abstract sense, the answer must be
  some combination of loyalty and raising the perceived behavioral
  costs of exit high enough that people put real effort into voice and
  stay with it long enough to solve coordination problems. More
  precisely, a combination of individual incentives, cultural norms,
  and leadership practices make up the solution. [p.159]

The chapter goes on to look at each of these elements.

About the (non-)incentives to fork:

  Young's argument can be broadened by focusing on the power
  asymmetries at play. The potential leader of a forked code base is
  not in a powerful position, at least to start. Because the leader
  depends on followers more than the other way around, asymmetric
  interdependence favors the potential followers, who will make a free
  and voluntary choice about where to invest their work. The dynamic
  plays out in an interesting way: The more open a project is and the
  larger the existing community of developers working on it, the
  harder it is to attract potential followers to a fork. This is true
  for several reasons. It becomes very difficult for a renegade to
  claim credibly that she, as a fork leader, could assemble and hold
  together a bigger and better community of developers than is already
  working on the main code base. It would not be able to use, test,
  debug, and develop software as quickly. Ant it could not provide as
  attractive a payoff in reputation, even if reputation were shared
  out more evenly within the forked community. If innovation slows,
  the pie shrinks. And reputation depends at least in part on the
  number of people who know of your repute - which means the larger
  the audience, the more reputation you receive in return for any
  particular innovation. Forking would split the audience [p.160]

About norms and their general definition:

  In an important book *Order without Law*, Robert Ellickson lays out
  three criteria that make up a plausible negative baseline, arguing
  that a norm should be said *not* to exist if:

  * Close-knit participants do not punish persons whom they know have
    violated the norm.

  * Ordinary behavior is mostly not in accordance with the norm.

  * Group members' aspirational statements are inconsistent with the


A first core set of norms is about "ownership customs":

  There are three typical ways in which someone (or some group) in
  practice acquires this kind of "ownership". The first is simply to
  initiate the project. [...] The second is to have ownership passed
  on to you, explicitly and publicly, by the existing owner. [...] The
  third way to acquire ownership is to pick up a project that appears
  to be abandoned - that is, when the presumptive owner has
  disappeared from the scene without passing on the mantle. [p.161f.]

A second core set of norms is about decision-making roles:

  For the vast majority of open source projects, this is
  straightforward. When there are just a few developers working on a
  project, the right to make decisions about the code is coterminous
  with ownership. For medium-sized projects, the norm is somewhat
  subtler: Authority follows and derives from responsibility. The more
  work an individual contributes and the more she takes responsibility
  for a piece of the project, the more decision-making authority she
  gains. This norm is backed up by an auxiliary norm that seniority
  rules in disagreements over who has responsibility for a piece of
  code. [p.163]


  Decision-making norms become more complex and interesting in the
  (relatively small number of) large-scale open source projects.
  Linux, for example, took on a formal differentiated role structure
  for decision-making as the project grew in size. [I.e. the
  lieutenant model] [...] If this sounds very much like a hierarchical
  decision structure, that is because it is one - albeit one in which
  participation is strictly voluntary. [p.163f.]

A third core set of norms is about technical rationality:

  Technical rationality starts out with the foundational assumption
  that there exist technical solutions to technical problems. This may
  sound banal or naïve, depending on your viewpoint; but it sets an
  important tone for the way people fight out their disagreements.
  Naïve, uneducated or even highly imaginative but undisciplined
  opinions are extruded from the discussion. Logical arguments made on
  technical grounds are the primary currency of the debate. How to do
  something is a more important contribution than the idea that it
  should be done. [p.164]

About the importance of technical rationality compared to moral

  The core statement of the Open Source Initiative reflects the
  explicit victory of technical rationality: "We think the economic
  self-interest arguments for open source are strong enough that
  nobody needs to go on any moral crusades about it." [p.165]

About leadership practices in big projects (here citing the example of
Linux / Linus Torvalds):

  It is clear that leadership played a critical role in getting the
  project started, setting an initial focal point, and maintaining
  coordination on it. [p.166]

  Torvalds's leadership helped to maintain the calculations behind
  this bet [that contributions of developers would be efficacious]. An
  important part of this lies in his role first as the articulator and
  second as a continuing reinforcer of the community's cultural norms.

  While he [Torvalds] is not shy and does not deny his status as
  leader, he does make a compelling case that he was not and is not
  motivated by fame and reputation. The documented history,
  particularly the archived email lists, support him on this point. He
  continues to emphasize the fun of programming and opportunities for
  self-expression and claims "the feeling of belonging to a group that
  does something interesting" as his principal motivation. [p.167]

About when leadership fails:

  The core question about leadership then becomes, How can a leader
  fail his followers? The simple answer, which captures the unusual
  power dynamic, is "lack of responsiveness to those led." In practice
  there are several related ways in which this can happen (and has
  happened). The shared core is a failure to act as an effective
  moderator. [p.168f.]

Two examples of ineffective moderation are listed. A leader can fail

  * because of personality issues - when the leader doesn't have the
    right style, doesn't make contributors feel good about their work
    (even when it is rejected), or otherwise exacerbates the
    underlying potential for ego-based conflicts. [p.168]

  * by making a series of design decisions that followers find faulty.

However, failures in leadership are to be distinguished from a fork
for technical reasons:

  Of course, even a proficient and respected leader may at some point
  develop fundamentally different technical visions for the future of
  the project than some subset of followers hold. In that case, the
  issue is not really leadership failure but the technical direction
  of the project. Forking can occur for technical reasons rather than
  a breakdown of leadership *per se*. And that is not always a bad
  thing, nor does the open source community always perceive it as bad.

The second part of the chapter is about how complexity is governed. It
starts with a definition of governance as it is used by the author and
poses the core question:

  When I use the term "governance" in this discussion, I am using it
  in the way it is used un international relations. In that context
  "governance" is not government, it is typically not authoritative,
  and in fact it is not about governing in a traditional sense as much
  as it is about setting parameters for voluntary relationships among
  autonomous parties. Given that perspective, the central question
  becomes, How has the open source process used technology along with
  both new- and old-style institutions of governance to manage
  complexity among a geographically dispersed community not subject to
  hierarchical control? The answer has four elements: technical
  design, sanctioning mechanisms, the license as explicit social
  structure, and formal governance institutions. [p.172]

The chapter then talks about these four elements. About technical

  The key characteristic of technical design for managing complexity
  is "source code modularization." [p.172]

One example for this modularization in Linux is the invention of
kernel modules as a way to separate a at first monolithic, huge
program into a number of small, cooperating modules:

  As Torvalds put it, "Managing people and managing code led to the
  same design decision. To keep the number of people working on Linux
  coordinated, we needed something like kernel modules."

  Torvalds's implicit point is simple and crucial: These engineering
  principles are important because they reduce organizational demands
  on the social and political structure for managing people. [p.173]

This is also formulated as Conway's Law:

  In 1968 Melvin Conway made an argument about this relationship that
  software developers now call Conway's Law. This is the idea that the
  structure of the (technical) system mirrors the structure of the
  organization that developed it. According to Conway, it is first and
  foremost a consequence of the communication needs of the people
  building the system. [p.174]

The second element is sanctioning:

  As a political scientist, I am innately pessimistic about the
  stability of communities. When a complex political system seems to
  operate effectively, it is never sufficient simply to explain
  success. What you have to explain is the lack of failure, which is
  subtly different. The challenge is to assume that there are
  individuals somewhere in the system who, if given an opportunity,
  will act opportunistically, take advantage of situations in which
  others play by the rules, exploit trust, and act in similar ways
  that benefit the "cheater" in the short term but pose a threat to
  the aggregate good. [...] Human systems have mechanisms to exact
  costs on people who try to break the rules and norms of a community.
  If a developer working in a company is not following the rules, he
  will be fired. In that case he cannot take the code with him because
  the company owns the rights to it. Obviously these sanctions (along
  with others) loom in the background and act as a deterrent to
  antisocial behavior within a proprietary production process. The
  question then becomes how does the open source community, which
  cannot fire people or deprive them of access to code, sanction rule-
  and norm-breakers whose actions might place at risk the
  sustainability of the process? [p.175]

About flaming and shunning as sanctioning mechanisms:

  "Flaming" is the most visible form of sanctioning in open source.
  Flaming is public condemnation (in the sense that email lists and
  the web are public) of people of companies that violate norms.
  Flamefests can be quite fierce, but they also tend to be
  self-limiting for several reasons. First developers understand the
  adage about sticks and stones when it comes to breaking bones or in
  this case changing behavior. Flaming might make a person
  uncomfortable; and there are costs in that, but not necessarily
  decisive ones. Second there is a constraint on flaming that arises
  from the foundational consensus on technical rationality. Developers
  flame each other when they have ideological disputes, disagreements
  about the norms of behavior in the open source community itself, or
  sometimes for extreme personal issues. They do not flame each other
  in the same way over technical issues. When the dispute is about
  code, you criticize the code and not the person who wrote it. Unlike
  many academic disciplines, you cannot enhance your reputation in the
  open source community by attacking the competence of another
  developer. Third, because flaming happens in archived text that
  everyone in the community can read, developers with less of a stake
  in the dispute tend to keep a finger on the pulse of important
  flamefests and intervene to stop them when things go too far.

  What makes flaming effective - its very public nature - is what
  gives the broader community de facto oversight of just how long it
  is permitted to go on. The public context also enhances the way in
  which flamefests serve as a means for discussing, deconstructing,
  and reconstructing the normative consensus around what are
  acceptable and unacceptable behaviors within the community. Because
  the lists are archived, they also serve as a valuable education and
  socialization function for new developers who are just starting to
  work with open source. But flaming by itself would not be effective
  in constraining a determined opportunist or for that matter a
  stubborn developer with very strong hold beliefs (and there are
  plenty of these). The more important form of sanction in a
  functional sense is "shunning".

  To shun someone - refusing to cooperate with them after they have
  broken a norm - cuts them off from the benefits that the community
  offers. [p.176]

The third element is about licenses as social structure:

  In the absence of hierarchical authority the license becomes the
  core statement of the social structure that defines the community of
  open source developers who participate in a project. [p.179]

  The core constitutional message of an open source license is
  fashioned as a statement to the developers. And the foremost
  statement is that they will be treated fairly if they join the
  community. At that very general level, the statement is partly a
  result of the open source process itself. In practice, most
  developers who participate in open source expect to be on both sides
  of a license - that is, acting at different times as licensor and
  licensee. [p.179]

While looking at the Debian social contract this part also contains a
statement about meritocracy:

  The implicit principle is *meritocracy* - in this community,
  developers are given equal opportunity to succeed (or to fail) based
  on how good they are as coders. This is an important principle
  precisely because it is difficult to implement in practice. The
  owner of software code in the commercial world would obviously has
  substantial special rights - she decides when to hire and fire
  developers, how to share out the wealth that is generated, what the
  future direction of development will and will not be. The "owner" in
  the open source world also has special rights. The open source
  process does not completely eliminate the gap between privileged and
  nonprivileged players, so it cannot promise a perfect meritocracy.
  What it does do is minimize that gap in several ways. Eliminating
  license fees and royalties from the equation means that the
  privileged person cannot get direct monetary gain from the work of
  others. More importantly, by creating the right to fork code, the
  open source process transfers a very important source of power from
  the leader to the followers. The privileges that come with
  leadership then depend on the continuous renewal of a contingent
  grant from the community. This comes as close to achieving practical
  meritocracy as is likely possible in a complex governance situation.

The fourth element is about formal governance structures:

  All complex production processes need governance mechanisms to make
  them work. Two things about governance structures in open source are
  distinctive. The first is the need for an organizational form that
  supports (or even better, takes advantage of) asynchronous
  communication. [...] The second is a slight twist on the notion of
  hierarchy. That there is no hierarchy for the division of labor -
  that is, assigning tasks to particular individuals - lies at the
  heart of the open source process. There can be a hierarchy of
  decision-making, for vetting and incorporating the results of
  distributed work, yet participation in that decision-making
  hierarchy is voluntary and remains voluntary for any individual
  developer, because it is always possible to exit and fork. [p.186]

The chapter closes with this summary:

  The open source process is an ongoing experiment. It is testing an
  imperfect mix of leadership, informal coordination mechanisms,
  implicit and explicit norms, along with some formal governance
  structures that are evolving and doing so at a rate that has been
  sufficient to hold surprisingly complex systems together. There is
  no off-the-shelf template for coordination and notauthoritative
  governance of complexity in the open source setting. What this
  chapter demonstrates instead is a diverse set of experiments, a
  challenging environment that brings out the "bugs in the system,"
  and an imperfect but recursive and self-conscious error-correcting
  mechanism that is trying to find solutions that work. [p.189]

Chapter 7: Business Models and the Law

The first chapter about this chapter:

  Chapter 7 explores some business and legal issues. The open source
  process does not exist on its own; it enters an ecology of business
  and law that is densely populated by institutions that do things
  according to a different set of principles and rules. Yet open
  source needs to interact, deeply and effectively, with existing
  structures of capitalist economies and legal structures like
  copyright, patent law, and licensing. The most interesting set of
  propositions begins to emerge where the two interface. [p.18f.]

The chapter outlines the general relationship between producers and
users of software and how Free Software impacts here. It then goes
through a couple of business models around Free Software and continues
to reflect a number of examples where capitalist business and Free
Software are in close contact. It touches a couple of topics around
several intellectual property concepts and closes with formulating
questions for the future.

Chapter 8: The Code That Changed The World?

The first chapter about this chapter:

  Chapter 8 summarizes the book and draws out implications. I explore
  some nascent answers to the broader questions that open source
  raises about political economy in the Internet-enabled environment.
  And I spell out implications for thinking about the problem of
  cooperation in a general sense, and specifically in an international
  setting. The general topics include the importance of shifting
  property rights, the function(s) of a technological commons, the
  logic of distributed innovation, technology transfer and economic
  growth, new forms of power within networked communities, and the
  very interesting and timely problem of understanding interactions
  between differently structured organizations, specifically networks
  and hierarchies. [p.19]

This quote nicely summarizes the meaning of open source as it is
understood in this chapter:

  Open source is a way of organizing production, of making things
  jointly. The baseline problem is that it is not easy for human
  beings to work together and certainly not to produce complex
  integrated systems. One solution is the familiar economy that
  depends on a blend of exclusive property rights, divisions of labor,
  reduction of transaction costs, and the management of
  principal-agent problems. The success of open source demonstrates
  the importance of a fundamentally different solution, built on top
  of an unconventional understanding of property rights configured
  around distribution. Open source uses that concept to tap into a
  broad range of human motivations and emotions, beyond the
  straightforward calculations of salary for labor. And it relies on a
  set of organizational structures to coordinate behavior around the
  problem of managing distributed innovation, which is different from
  division of labor. None of these characteristics is entirely new,
  unique to open source, or confined to the Internet. But together,
  they are generic ingredients of a way of making things that has
  potentially broad consequences for economics and politics.

  This book explains the open source process - how it came to be, how
  it operates, how it is organized. I put forward a compound argument
  about individual motivations, economic logic, and social structure
  to account for a process that reframes the character of the
  collective action problem at play. This argument yields insights
  into the nature of collaboration in the digital economy. It also
  yields insights about how human motivations operate in that setting
  and the possibilities of conflict management that result. At a
  minimum these are pragmatic demonstrations about a production
  process within, and as a product of, the digital economy that is
  quite distinct from modes of production characteristic of the
  predigital era. There are broader possibilities. The key concepts of
  the argument - user-driven innovation that takes place in a parallel
  distributed setting, distinct forms and mechanisms of cooperative
  behavior regulated by norms and governance structures, and the
  economic logic of "antirival" goods that recasts the "problem" of
  free riding - are generic enough to suggest that software is not the
  only place where the open source process could flourish. [p.224f.]

The chapter goes on to look at aspects mentioned here. It starts with
looking once more at the notion of property. From this part I'd like
to quote one very interesting comparison of changing property rights
in a wider sense. Here the notion of property rights in stewardship
combined with distribution is looked at:

  As an example, consider modern religious traditions in the
  contemporary United States. What does a rabbi own, or more
  precisely, what is his or her property relationship to a tradition?
  Religious leaders at one time held essentially exclusionary keys to
  traditions. The Jerusalem Temple locked up the Torah within a holy
  of holies; only the high priests could enter. Blessings, sacraments,
  and rituals were under Rabbinic control. Excommunication as it was
  practiced in the Catholic Church is the essence of an exclusionary
  property rights. I am less concerned here with how these rights
  changed than with the stark differences they exhibit today.
  Certainly a rabbi no longer owns a tradition in the sense that he or
  she can exclude you from taking a piece of it, modifying it, and
  combining it with other traditions in ways that suit your own needs.
  [...] In effect, the property rights regime is much like open
  source. People take the religious "code," modify it, recombine it
  with pieces of code from elsewhere, and use the resulting product to
  scratch their spiritual itch.

  It is only one small step from there to redistributing what you have
  created to others as a "new" religion, which is increasingly a
  common practice. [...] More generally, there has been a dramatic
  change in what it means to be a leader in a religious community.
  Change the foundations of property, and you change the network of
  relationships that radiate outward from that which is owned, in
  fundamental and often unexpected ways. [p.228f.]

The part about property concludes:

  These experiments imply something about property that is both simple
  and profound. The problem is not just that the current regime is
  conceptually insecure. The problem is that technology has made
  visible the fact that it does not work very well in practice, and
  that other things that are not supposed to work, do. [p.231]

The next part of the chapter is about organizing for distributed
innovation. A key notion is that of end-to-end innovation:

  End-to-end innovation [where the innovation is done at the ends of a
  "stupid" network] goes a step beyond simply reduced transaction
  costs. It enables parallel processing of a complex task in a way
  that is not only geographically dispersed but also functionally
  dispersed. End-to-end architecture takes away the central decision
  maker in the sense that no one is telling anyone what to do or what
  not to do. This is the essence of *distributed innovation*, not just
  a division of labor. [...] Innovation is incentivized and emerges at
  the edges; it enters the network independently; and it gets
  incorporated into more complex systems when and if it improves the
  performance of the whole. [p.233]

However, end-to-end innovation needs organization to work properly:

  The underlying problem here is to specify general organizational
  principles for distributed innovation, a problem-solving algorithm
  that works. The open source process suggests that there are four

  * *Empower people to experiment.* This is a familiar concept. To
    make it work depends on technology (people need easy access to
    tools) and on socially constructed incentives.

  * *Enable bits of information to find each other.* This is an
    engineering concept. A diverse set of experiments will produce a
    little signal and a lot of noise, and in many different places.
    The bits of information that are signal need to be able to find
    each other and to recognize each other as signal.

  * *Structure information so it can recombine with other pieces of
    information.* This is also an engineering concept, an extension of
    the notion of modularization. Signals need to be essentially to be
    in the same "language" so, when they find each other, they can
    recombine without much loss of information.

  * *Create a governance system that sustains this process.* This is a
    social concept, often (but not necessarily) expressed in rules and
    law. The GPL prevents this private appropriation of a solution,
    which is an important part of what governance needs to do.
    Governance of a distributed innovation system also needs to scale
    successfully (organized effectively, more eyeballs really are
    better than fewer). And it needs to do this at relatively low
    overhead costs.


This part concludes:

  I don't need to indulge in that here simply to point out that the
  next generation of end-to-end innovation will depend on lots of
  software code, reliable code, but most importantly compatible code,
  recombinant code that interfaces straightforwardly with other code.
  The open source process has shown that it is possible to build this
  kind of code within its own end-to-end, distributed innovation
  setting. The next chapter in the story of distributed innovation
  will probably be an order of magnitude more surprising in its
  revolutionary implications, and make the consequences of the
  first-generation Internet seem quaint. [p.243]

The next part thinks about the role of commons in economic and social
life. It mentions Garrett Hardin's "tragedy of the commons" but gives
a couple of points why this is not the only possible way to think
about commons:

  Heller and Eisenberg call this [substitution of existing but by ways
  of intellectual property rights unavailable resources] "the tragedy
  of the anticommons" to distinguish it from the routine underuse that
  is a part of any functioning intellectual property rights system
  (and is justified as a bargain for incentivizing production in the
  first place). This is not just theory; it is an increasingly visible
  problem - for example in pharmacogenomics research in which complex
  and overlapping patent claims on genetic code make it difficult to
  assemble the package of rights needed to produce a drug. [p.245]

  There is a second argument about the function of a commons that is
  less frequently made explicit. This argument points to the
  participation in creative activity by individuals, simply for the
  sake of participation itself. In other words creative action is an
  individual good regardless of whether it contributes to measurable
  aggregate creativity, innovation or social welfare. [...] We value
  the explosion of individual creativity facilitated by the web even
  though the vast majority of what is "published" there adds little
  that is measurable to society's stock of knowledge. [p.246]

The part concludes:

  These claims about the social and economic importance of the commons
  are not to say that Hardin was mistaken - rather, that he saw only
  part of the picture. [p.247]

  The open source process and the analytics of the commons that
  follows from it help to illuminate some of the upside implications
  of a different property rights regime. Neither regime necessarily
  drives out the other; they have coexisted for some time and will
  probably continue to do so, even though the boundaries may shift.
  Move the boundaries and some things will not be produced. Some
  incentives will unravel. Something will be lost. On the other hand,
  something will be gained as well. It is harder in some sense to
  label and name those gains because we are still in the midst of
  developing a language to talk about them and a set of arguments to
  categorize and evaluate them. [p.248]

The next parts talks about the opportunities of Free Software for
developing countries.

The following part is about power, transaction costs, and community.
It starts with outlining that the connectivity of the Internet and the
processing power of modern computers is often seen with a market
exchange in mind. From this I'd like to quote a very nice point about
the meaning of a price such an environment:

  Imagine a smart chair, connected to a lot of other smart things,
  which huge bandwidth between them, bringing transaction costs
  effectively to zero. Now ask yourself, With all that processing
  power and all that connectivity, why would a smart chair (or a smart
  car or a smart person) choose to exchange information with other
  smart things through the incredibly small aperture of a "price"? A
  price is a single monolayered piece of data that carries
  extraordinarily little information in and of itself. (Of course it
  is a compressed form of lots of other information, but an awful lot
  is lost in the process of compression.) The question for the perfect
  market that I've envisioned above is, Why compress? My point is that
  even a perfect market exchange is an incredibly thin kind of
  interaction, whether it happens between chairs or between people,
  whether it is an exchange of goods, ideas, or political bargains. I
  want to emphasize that communities, regimes, and other public
  spheres can come in many different shapes and forms. The
  "marketized" version is only one, and it is in many ways an
  extraordinarily narrow one that barely makes use of the technology
  at hand. [p.257]

The next part of this chapter thinks about networks, hierarchies, and
the interface. It argues that the interface between a network and a
hierarchy is typically a very creative place:

  I am certain that some of the most interesting processes in
  international politics and economics over the next decade are going
  to take place in this space, at the interface between hierarchies
  and networks (rather than solely within either one). [p.264]

The final part of the final chapter is about generalizing open source:

  The success of open source is a story about software. If it were
  only that, it would still be important for social scientists
  thinking about cooperation problems. And it would still have
  significant implications for economic growth and development. That
  is the minimum case. If the open source process has more general
  characteristics, if it is a generic production process for knowledge
  that can and will spread beyond software *per se*, then the
  implications might be considerably larger. My purpose here is not to
  take a definitive position on this question, but rather to lay out
  some of the conditions that embed it. [p.264]

The book closes by outlining these conditions:

  The open source process is more likely to work effectively in tasks
  that have these characteristics:

  * Disaggregated contributions can be derived from knowledge that is
    accessible under clear, nondiscriminatory conditions, not
    proprietary or locked up.

  * The product is perceived as important and valuable to a critical
    mass of users.

  * The product benefits from widespread peer attention and review,
    and can improve through creative challenge and error correction
    (that is, the rate of error correction exceeds the rate of error

  * There are strong positive network effects to use of the product.

  * An individual or a small group can take the lead and generate a
    substantiative core that promises to evolve into something truly

  * A voluntary community of iterated interaction can develop around
    the process of building the product.

  Some of these hypotheses shade off into arguments about the
  motivations and capabilities of the agents. To be more precise, the
  open source process is likely to work effectively when agents have
  these characteristics:

  * Potential contributors can judge with relative ease the viability
    of the evolving product.

  * The agents have the information they need to make an informed bet
    that contributed efforts will actually generate a joint good, not
    simply be dissipated.

  * The agents are driven by motives beyond simple economic gain and
    have a "shadow of the future" for rewards (symbolically and
    otherwise) that is not extremely short.

  * The agents learn by doing and gain personally valuable knowledge
    in the process.

  * Agents hold a positive normative or ethical valence toward the

  These are expansive hypotheses; the parameters in many instances
  would be hard to measure and specify *a priori*. As is the case for
  many such hypotheses about social processes, they are broadly
  indicative of the kinds of conditions that matter. They tell you
  where to look, and even more so where not to look, for answers. That
  may not be fully satisfying, but it's not a bad place to start when
  you are looking ad something so intriguing and at the same time
  unfamiliar. [p.271f.]

Which expresses the research challenge of Oekonux quite well |:-)|. In
fact I think the characteristics Steven Weber outlines are a very
useful additional set of criteria to think about when thinking about a
`germ form`_.

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.. _The Success of Open Source:

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