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Other successful Free Projects: Wikipedia (was: [ox-en] Oekonux introduction)

Other successful Free Projects: Wikipedia

* Web-based encyclopedia

  * Transnational, multi-lingual endeavor

  * Based on Wiki technology

* Produces useful products

  Is well-known for this reason

* Grows fast

  * Attracts "normal" people

  * Attracts knowledgeable people

* Free in the sense of (Doubly) Free Software

  * Freedom is pre-condition and result of the process

  * Voluntary participation

  * Unlimited externally and internally

* Challenge: Quality assurance

  * Difference to Free Software: No "technical truth"

    Software runs or not

    An encyclopedia article always reflects an opinion

  * Actions are on their way

    Result of those actions is of general interest

.. admonition:: Conclusion

   Wikipedia is a very interesting Free Project

Contact: projekt

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