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Keyword: Free Software Licences (was: [ox-en] Oekonux introduction)

Keyword: Free Software Licences

* Licenses are contracts

  * Govern under which conditions someone may do something with the

    Proprietary software also uses licenses

  * Especially: Use, modify, distribute

  * Software licenses are based on copyright

    Copyright is based on state power

* The genius hack: Use the copyright system against itself

  * Copyright creates scarcity by denying rights

  * Copyleft creates abundance by granting rights

* Two main license types: GPL and BSD

  * Though many licenses exist

    Since a license is a contract it's easy to invent a new license

    But it's rarely useful

  * Lists of Free Software licenses by FSF and OSI

* Main difference: May a licensee close sources again or not?

  * BSD: Software may be distributed without sources

  * GPL: Sources must be kept open

  * More than 50% of Free Software projects use the GPL

.. admonition:: Conclusion

   Fundamental facility to embed Free Software in the law system

   Inherits the security from the law system

   Inherits the power of the law system

Contact: projekt

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