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Re: [ox-en] There is no such thing like "peer money"

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Thanks Sam, I totally agree, and this is the background to the 'beef' I have
with the Stefan's. Granted that we 'need' money, at least in a transitional
state (which may last forever, unless a system a la siefkes takes over),
then it is just inconceivable that we would use the present capitalist
protocol for such a money. That is a very simple, and for me, irrefutable

Concerning motivation:

We have things we like to do, which are non-problematic in peer production,
then we have things we do not like to do, and for which we need supportive

Of course, this is a continuum, and motivations should not be seen as
totally binary (I'm not suggesting that this is what Stefan was pointing at)

I think the following citation is useful:

A distinction made by Heb Shepard, summarized by Rosa Zubizarreta:

*from the perspective of "primary mentality", 'individual' and 'group' are
experienced as opposite...* in order to have a strong group, it appears that
we need to 'give up' some of our individuality; conversely, to be
'individuals', it appears we need to 'distance' ourselves from the group...

*in contrast, from the perspective of "secondary mentality" 'individual' and
'group' are experienced in a synergistic way*: the MORE room there is for
people to be individual and unique and eccentric, the stronger a group we
will have; conversely, the more real support i can feel from the group, the
more individual and unique and eccentric i can be...


so we as individuals, we can always discover or create ways to 'resist'
structures that are organized along the lines of 'primary mentality', and,
find ways to create forms of social interaction, that support 'secondary

AND, at the same time, the social forms of organization, _do_ affect us...
making one or another form of mentality, more likely... Our ways of talking
and thinking and organizing ourselves, tend to be rooted in one or the other

i think it's also important to recognize, that these forms or structures,
that embody and support these different kinds of consciousness can be
'habitual' and 'informal', rather than 'explicit/formal'... so even when a
community has rejected the conventional forms of organization which could be
seen as embodying primary mentality (voting, majority rules, bureaucratic
structures, etc...)

it's still the case, that the community will tend to have a particular
'culture', or 'way of doing things'... and that culture will not necessarily
be 'secondary' since as individuals, we still tend to carry the "primary
mentality" within us, even in the absence of conventional forms of

so the desire to 'belong', to 'get along', to 'not be excluded from the
group', along with the internalized belief, that to do so, we need to 'not
make waves', can tend to silence a lot of potential divergence and encourage
conformity to the prevailing cultural norms... (the 'groupthink'

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