[ox-en] summary of pluralist economy arguments which accepts market formats
- From: "Michel Bauwens" <michelsub2004 gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 15:42:11 +0700
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Dear Stefan,
I posted this at
a response to your comments,
I do not think that you understand the purpose of accepting the existence of
non-capitalist markets.
My approach is based on the following theses:
1) that the present form of markets, which destroys the underlying
biosphere, is not sustainable in the long run. In other words: infinite
accumulation of capital resources, through production that does not take
into account any exernalities, is doomed to either self-destruction or
2) that non-capitalist and non-accumulative market forms have existed for
thousands of years; however, because it existed in the context of other
exploitative social forms, I do not wish for a romantic return to it, if
that is the sense that you intent to convey
3) since we need a form to deal with the production and distribution of
rival goods; since I do not see many alternatives at present; but since I
rather see the emergence of new market formats that are subsumed to other
primary partnership based logics (see fair trade, social entrepreneurship
and BOP approaches); and since I do not have, nor wish to have the coercive
power that would prohibit people from trading their production, I see no
alternative than to accept such market forms
4) but again, such a market form for rival goods, co-exist and is subsumed
to the peer to peer logic of immaterial production, which is the primary
structure of the type of society I expect to see evolve in the future
5) in the context of post-capitalist and with a post-capitalist state, I
then expect to see many more social experiments in a pluralistic economy,
some of which would choose non-market forms, and may prove more productive
than those market forms
At present, that is speculative.
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