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Re: Fwd: [ox-en] Talk on "Social economy or peer production? - On the relationship of

Hi list, Andreas, all!

Last week (7 days ago) Stefan Merten wrote:
Please find below a half-cooked version of the first half of the

Here is the third quarter about "Commonalities and differences". This
is probably the most interesting one. Comments are welcome of course.



=== 8< === 8< === 8< === 8< === 8< === 8< === 8< === 8< === 8< === 8< ===

Commonalities and differences

Common goals

* Improve life by economic activity

  * Attain goals impossible in capitalism

* Participation and empowering

  * Though: For social / solidarity economy not always

.. highlights::

   There are common goals

Structural commonalities

* Economic activities

  * == production, distribution, consumption of goods

  * Though: Differences in relevance of production

* Beneficiaries inside and outside

* Embedded in capitalism

* Individuals as predominant actors

.. highlights::

   There are similar structures

Differences concerning economic activities

|Topic        |Social / solidarity   |Peer              |
|             |economy               |production        |
|Relevance    |Secondary (if at all) |Predominant       |
|of           |                      |                  |
|production   |                      |                  |
|Distribution |Closed groups         |Commons (external |
|target       |                      |openness)         |
|             |                      |                  |
|Reason for   |Political will        |Selbstentfaltung  |
|activity     |                      |                  |
|             |                      |                  |
|Precondition |Political will        |Education /       |
|for activity |                      |abilities in the  |
|             |                      |respective field  |

.. highlights::

   Many differences

Differences in subjective values

|Topic        |Social / solidarity   |Peer production   |
|             |economy               |                  |
|Mind set of  |Capitalism            |New mode of       |
|actors bound |(supplementing and    |production        |
|to...        |opposing both relate  |                  |
|             |to capitalism)        |                  |
|Political    |Key                   |None in particular|
|values       |                      |                  |
|             |                      |                  |
|Solidarity   |Key                   |Irrelevant        |
|             |                      |                  |
|             |                      |                  |
|Participation|Political goal (if at |Precondition      |
|and          |all)                  |(internal         |
|empowering   |                      |openness)         |

.. highlights::

   Peer production does not need political awareness

Differences concerning mode of production

|Topic        |Social / solidarity   |Peer production   |
|             |economy               |                  |
|Mode of      |Basically identical to|New mode of       |
|production   |capitalism            |production        |
|             |                      |                  |
|If capitalism|...would be no longer |...would still be |
|would work   |necessary             |better than       |
|better...    |                      |capitalism        |
|             |                      |                  |
|Keeping      | difficult       | easy because|
|capitalism   |because of equal      |of openness       |
|out of...    |structures            |                  |

.. highlights::

   New mode of production is more sustainable

Summarizung commonalities and differences

* Some common goals and structures

  * Because of that the left gets interested in peer production

* Major differences are running deep

  * Openness is precondition instead of limitation

  * Selbstentfaltung instead of political will

  * New mode of production instead of supplement to capitalism

.. highlights::

   Though goals and some structures are similar the means are very

The social enterprise compass

|                     |Ownership                 |
|                     +--------------+-----------+
|                     |Public        |Private    |
|Primary   |Social    |Social        |Social     |
|objective |purpose   |administration|enterprises|
|of the    +----------+--------------+-----------+
|enterprise|Commercial|Public        |Private    |
|          |purpose   |enterprises   |industries |

* Source:

.. highlights::

   Useful to classify projects / enterprises

Peer production and the social enterprise compass

|                           |Ownership                                |
|                           +--------------+--------------+-----------+
|                           |Commons /     |Public        |Private    |
|                           |Community     |              |           |
|Primary   |Selbstentfaltung|*Peer         |\-            |\-         |
|objective |                |production*   |              |           |
|of the    +----------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+
|enterprise|Social          |(Side-effect  |Social        |Social     |
|          |purpose         |of ownership) |administration|enterprises|
|          +----------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+
|          |Commercial      |(Commercial   |Public        |Private    |
|          |purpose         |peer          |enterprises   |industries |
|          |                |production)   |              |           |

.. highlights::

   Peer production is hard to locate in the social enterprise compass

Contact: projekt

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