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[ox-en] Commons Manifesto: Strenghten the Commons. Now!



you find a thing called Commons Manifesto. The entry says:

  This thesis paper (4 pages) was developed in collective authorship
  in the context of the Interdisciplinary political salons of the
  Heinrich Böll Foundation's

The Heinrich Böll Foundation is the political foundation of the German
green party.

Most of the time it doesn't talk about peer production IMHO but it
mentions Free Software and Wikipedia so it's probably appropriate on
this list. I'm not 100% sure that the connections which are made in
the manifesto are really helpful.

Below you find a reply-friendly text only version generated from the
PDF found at
If you reply you may want to keep Silke in the Cc.



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Strengthen the Commons - Now!

  "Commons are institutional spaces in which we are free." 

  -- Yochai Benkler

How the crisis reveals the fabric of our commons

Over the last two hundred years, the explosion of knowledge,
technology, and productivity has enabled an unprecedented increase of
private wealth. This has improved our quality of life in numerous
ways. At the same time, however, we have permitted the depletion of
resources and the dwindling of societal wealth. This is brought to our
attention by current, interrelated crises in finance, the economy,
nutrition, energy, and in the fundamental ecological systems of life.

These crises are sharpening our awareness of the existence and
importance of the commons. Natural commons are necessary for our
survival, while social commons ensure social cohesion, and cultural
commons enable us to evolve as individuals. It is imperative that we
focus our personal creativity, talents, and enthusiasm on protecting
and increasing our social wealth and natural commons. This will
require a change in some basic structures of politics, economics, and

* More social prosperity instead of more gross domestic product!

  When the economic growth curve drops and the GDP sinks, it seems
  threatening to us. Yet appearances deceive. The GDP merely maps
  production figures and monetary flows without regard for their
  ecological or social value; such numbers do not measure the things
  we truly need to live, - they may simply count their destruction.
  Social prosperity cannot be measured through such means. A reduction
  in the GDP does not necessarily signal a reduction in the real
  wealth of a society. Recognizing this fact widens our perspective
  and opens doors for new types of solutions.

* The commons can help us overcome the crisis, but it requires
  systematic advocacy.

  This is our contribution to give the commons a voice.

What are the commons and why are they are significant?

* Commons are diverse.

  They are the fundamental building blocks and pre-condition of our
  life and social wealth. They include knowledge and water, seeds and
  software, cultural works and the atmosphere. Commons are not just
  "things," however. They are living, dynamic systems of life. They
  form the social fabric of a free society.

* Commons do not belong to anyone individually nor do they belong to
  no one.

  Different communities, from the family to global society, always
  create, maintain, cultivate, and redefine commons. When this does
  not happen, commons dwindle away - and in the process, our personal
  and social security diminishes. Commons ensure that people can live
  and evolve. The diversity of the commons helps secure our future.

* Commons are the foundation of every economic activity.

  Thus, they must also be the result of what we do. We have to
  constantly revitalize our commons, because everything we produce
  relies upon the knowledge we inherit, the natural resources that the
  Earth gives us, and cooperation with our fellow citizens. The
  activity known as "the economy" is embedded in our social fabric.
  Depletion of resources, failures in education, needless barriers to
  creativity, and weak social bonds compromise the generativity of the
  whole. Without vital commons, production is impossible. Without
  commons, companies cannot earn money.

* Commons are often destroyed and thus driven from our consciousness.

  One reason that commons are threatened is because many individuals
  claim a limitless right to use things. But where fair usage rights
  to water and seeds are curtailed by economic calculation or through
  governmental policies, where resource exploitation destroys our
  natural inheritance, where breach upon breach is inflicted on public
  spaces, where patenting software limits creativity and impedes
  economic progress, where reliable networks are lacking, there
  dependency and uncertainty will increase.

There's something new afoot - a movement to reclaim the commons!

There is a movement that reminds us of what is worth keeping. A
movement that seeks to reclaim what belongs to us, that affirms human
dignity and creates something new. This movement to build and protect
the commons is expanding the horizon of what is possible.

* Commons are being rediscovered and defended.

  People all over the world are defending themselves against attacks
  on the web of life that sustains them - against dams and mining
  projects that destroy life and land. Against a wasteful economy that
  fuels climate change. Against efforts to turn education and health
  into profit-oriented thinking. Against the re-engineering of our
  genetic heritage and overzealous restrictions on access to knowledge
  and culture. The commoners seek only to reclaim that which belongs
  to them, whether they are communities struggling to win back control
  over water utilities, indigenous communities seeking to protect its
  land in the Amazon Basin, or the worldwide movements for climate
  justice and an open internet.

* Commons are newly created and built upon.

  Countless people are creating new things for all and meaningful
  social and physical spaces for themselves. They invest energy in
  community gardens, carry out sustainable and ecological agriculture,
  and design intergenerational living and working spaces. They produce
  free software and free knowledge, and create films, music, and
  images to be shared. Thus emerges a treasure of free culture
  available to all. It is maintained and enhanced by many, and it has
  become as indispensable as Wikipedia. Taken together, scientists and
  activists, citizens and politicians are developing a robust and
  innovative commons sphere - everywhere.

* Commons are maintained and cultivated.

  People are fostering neighborhood institutions, looking after
  playgrounds, running citizen foundations, and creating and sharing
  stories, culture, and our collective memories. They are engaging
  themselves, personally and directly, with the common wealth and are
  pushing the state to carry out its duties to protect the commons.
  For that they gain something in return, because to live in a culture
  of commons means both giving and taking. This culture establishes
  rights and duties equally. The commitment to our common wealth is
  borne from the awareness that the current economic model endangers
  our livelihoods - and fails to satisfy us at deeper levels. This
  commitment corresponds to the wish for creativity and inspiration.
  It is fueled by our self-directed passions, desire for social
  conviviality, and a sensitivity and mutual recognition of each
  other. It's all about a simple idea: the need to learn from each
  other and to create excellent things for their own sake.

* Commons inspire and connect.

  To take them into account requires a fundamentally different
  approach in perception and action. Commons are based on communities
  that set their own rules and cultivate their skills and values.
  Based on these always-evolving, conflict-ridden processes,
  communities integrate themselves into the bigger picture. In a
  culture of commons, inclusion is more important than exclusion,
  cooperation more important than competition, autonomy more important
  than control. Rejecting the monopolization of information, wealth,
  and power gives rise to diversity again and again. Nature appears as
  a common wealth that must be carefully stewarded, and not an
  ever-available property to be exploited.

* To live in a culture of the commons means to assume shared,
  long-term responsibility rather than the pursuit of an ethics of

  A culture of the commons honors fairness over unilateral benefit
  optimization, and interdependence rather than extreme individualism.

* The commons helps us confront one of the major social justice issues
  of our time: no one may extract more from the commons than what he
  gives back to the commons.

  This applies to market players as well as the state. Whoever
  replenishes and expands the commons, rather than just drawing from
  them, deserves social recognition and praise. In the interest of
  this and future generations, market players, the state, and each
  individual must align their behavior and thinking with the commons.
  This must become a fundamental element in any calculation of
  economic, political, or personal success.

Neither no man's land nor boundless property

* The commons is not only about the legal forms of ownership.

  What matters most is whether and how community-based rights to the
  commons are enforced and secured. "Property entails obligations. Its
  use shall also serve the public good" (Article 14 Paragraph 2,
  German Constitution). This limitation, anchored in the basic law,
  designates the boundaries of the availability of common pool
  resources to individuals. This principle helps us recognize that
  each single use has implications for resources that belong to us
  all. With my phone I transmit my message through the finite
  electromagnetic spectrum. My car pollutes our shared air. My work
  may contain a novel thought, but I also depend upon the commons of
  culture and knowledge to inform it. The usage rights of fellow
  commoners are the stop signs for individual usage rights.

* Absolute and exclusive private property rights in the commons
  therefore cannot be allowed.

  This principle applies regardless of whether the things are of a
  tangible or intangible nature, or whether they are associated with
  natural, cultural, or social spheres. In order to avoid overuse and
  under-utilization - the dramatic plundering of fish or the
  "orphaning" of creative works, for example - any form of property
  (itself a creation of the state) has to now, more than ever, be
  measured by two conditions:

  * Each use must ensure that the common pool resources are not
    destroyed or over-consumed.

  * No one may be excluded who is entitled to access and use the
    shared resource or who depends on it for basic needs. Access and
    usage rights must therefore be designed to assure that the commons
    can be preserved, maintained, and further developed.

    *These are the principles of fair participation and

* What is public or publicly funded must remain publicly accessible.

  Public research, for example, must be available to everyone. There
  is no overwhelming reason to grant publishers and pharmaceutical
  corporations excessive and exclusive copyrights and patents over
  publicly funded research. Legislatures, at the behest of business,
  have nevertheless done so, making scientific journals inaccessible
  and vital medicines overly expensive. Alternatives arise from the
  commons movement. This is demonstrated by numerous projects for
  fairer licensing and alternative incentive models in science and

* The commons helps us reconceptualize the prevailing concept of
  property rights.

  The exploitation of our commons has grave drawbacks for the majority
  of people living today and tomorrow. This is demonstrated by climate
  change and the exhaustion of many natural resources, as well as by
  the financial sector whose private profit motives have become, to
  the detriment of the commoners, ends in themselves. Our shared
  quality of life is also limited by knowledge that is excessively
  commercialized and made artificially scarce. In this manner, our
  cultural heritage becomes an inventory of lifeless commodities and
  advertising dominates our public spaces.

* Commons are the basis of life in a double sense. Without natural
  commons, there's no survival. Without cultural commons, no human

  Everyone is directly affected by the issues raised here. Even
  businesses need commons in order to earn money now and in the
  future. We all need commons to survive and thrive. This is a key
  principle, and it establishes why commoners' usage rights should
  always be given a higher priority than corporations' property
  rights. Here the state has a duty to protect the commons, a duty
  which it cannot abandon. However, this does not mean that the state
  is necessarily the best steward for the commoners' interests. The
  challenge is for the commoners themselves to develop complementary
  institutions and organizational forms, as well as innovative access
  and usage rules, to protect the commons. The commoners must create
  their own commons sector, beyond the realm of market and state, to
  serve the public good in their own distinctive manner.

For a society in which the commons may thrive

* Just as commons and people are different, so are the organizational
  forms of user communities.

  We encounter these forms everywhere and with many faces: as
  self-organizing groups, civil organizations, private agencies or
  networks, as cooperatives or custodial organizations, as small
  neighborhood communities or the international Free Software
  movement. The rules and ethics of each commons arise from the needs
  and processes of the commoners directly involved. Whoever is
  directly connected to a commons must participate in the debate and
  implementation of its rules.

* Agents of the commons do not have one but many centers. 

  We need them locally, regionally, and globally. Conflicts can be
  resolved directly in well-arranged communities and their commons.
  But the global commons is an almost insolvable challenge, because
  where does the "world community" really come together and define
  itself as such? How should it agree upon the sustainable usage of
  its shared resources? The more complex the system, the more
  important it is that there is an institutional and transparent
  framework for the careful management of the commons. When the state
  achieves this and protects the commons, government action will be
  supported by society.

* Commons need more than just rules.

  We must realize that rules require the art of proper application.
  Commons are driven by a specific ethos, as well as by the desire to
  acquire and transfer a myriad of skills. Our society therefore needs
  to honor the special skills and values that enable the commons to
  work well. A culture of the commons publicly recognizes any
  initiative or project that enhances the commons, and it provides
  active financial and institutional support to enhance the commons

* Conflicts are part of the diversity and constant reproduction of the

  In addition to the rule of law, commons in the future will require
  innovative institutional structures, conciliation and mediation
  bodies, networks, and interdisciplinary stewards for the commons.
  These institutions will be constructed again and again from the
  areas of needs and conflict. Each has a common goal: to raise a
  strong voice to preserve the commons!

* Awareness of the commons means being conscious of our living
  conditions and exploring on all levels how much productivity and
  wealth we create directly from the commons.

  It requires a fundamental shift in thinking about the foundations of
  society. It means using, sharing, and multiplying our common wealth
  in a free and self-determined way. This challenge requires a lot of
  work, but it is also a great source of personal satisfaction and

* Our society needs a great debate and a worldwide movement 
  for the commons. Now! 

Dr. Frank Augsten (Green Party, spokesman State of Thüringen) 

Petra Buhr ( 

Dr. Hans-Joachim Döring (Commissioner of the Lutherian Church 
Central-Germany for Development and Environment) 

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Duchrow (theologist, University of Heidelberg) 

Fritjof Finkbeiner (Global Marshall Plan Initiative) 

Lili Fuhr (Heinrich Böll Foundation) 

Andrea Goetzke (newthinking communications) 

Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald (Schweisfurth-Stiftung) 

Jörg Haas (Climateexpert) 

Benedikt Härlin (Foundation for the Future of Agriculture) 

Hermann Graf Hatzfeldt 

Silke Helfrich (author) 

Kathrin Henneberger (Green Youth) 

Gregor Kaiser (Social Scientist) 

Dr. Wolfgang Kessler (Chief Editor Publik Forum) 

Prof. Dr. Rainer Kuhlen (information scientist, University of Konstanz) 

Julio Lambing (e-5 European Business Council for Sustainable Energy) 

Berthold Lange (Freiburger Kantstiftung) 

Prof. Dr. Bernd Lutterbeck (University for Technology Berlin) 

Annette Mühlberg (Network New Media, nnm) 

Rainer Rehak (Wuppertal Institut for Climate, Environment and 

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Sachs (Wuppertal Institut for Climate, Environment 
and Energy) 

Jill Scherneck (Heinrich Böll Foundation) 

Christoph Schlee (Network Basic Income) 

Dr. Christian Siefkes (Software Developer, author) 

Malte Spitz (Member of Federal Board, Green Party) 

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Steinvorth (philosopher, University Bilkent) 

Dr. Antje Tönnis (GLS Treuhand/ GLS Trust) 

Barbara Unmüßig (Member of Board, Heinrich Böll Foundation) 

Translation: Michelle Thorne, Silke Helfrich, David Bollier 

The thesis paper was developed in collective authorship in the context
of the Interdisciplinary political salons of the Heinrich Böll
Foundation's "Time for commons," 2[PHONE NUMBER REMOVED].

Published under "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Germany"
License, Version 3.0. The copying, linking and creative development of
this document is explicitly encouraged.

Contact: Silke Helfrich, E-Mail: Silke.Helfrich AT 
Contact: projekt

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