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Re: [ox-en] Commons in a taxonomy of goods

Commons are common pool resources. Commons are common goods. Commons
are social relationships. You can find all of these descriptions for the
term. Which is the correct one? All three versions are valid—at the same

The word „common“ is the best starting point for the analysis. The
common thing within a commons are the resources, which are used and
cared for, are the goods resulting from joint activities, and are the
social relationships emerging from acting together. These three aspects
are so different for all commons, that no one could describe them in a
reasonably complete manner.


The usage has got two sub-dimensions: *excludability* and *rivalry* .
They grasp aspects of access and concurrent utilization.

_Free goods_ (also: Res nullius, Terra nullius or no man’s land) are
legally or socially unregulated goods under free access. The often cited
„Tragedy of Commons“ is a tragedy of no man’s land, which is overly used
or destroyed due to missing rules of usage. Such no man’s lands do exist
yet today, e.g. in high-sea or deep-sea.

but not only a legal classification,

you have scarce or economic goods, and free goods

economic goods could be rival/non rival and exclusive/non exclusive

that gives you 4 categories: public, private, common,  and club goods

so you have 5 basic categories: free:  public, private, common,  and club goods

commom goods usually are defined in terms of non excludable/rival

this text calls substractable to rival goods
A good is excludable if people (ordinarily, people who have not paid
for it) can be prevented from using it.
It is rival, or subtractable if one person's consumption of a good
necessarily diminishes another person's consumption of it.
free goods: air
economic goods:

Excludable:	        Yes                         	No
Subtractable: Yes 	Private Goods 	Common-Pool Resources
                       No	Club Goods 	        Public Goods

What each category means

   1. Private Goods: An economic good, or a tangible item that can be
purchased and traded within a market. Private goods are excludable.
They are also rival, or subtractable. You can't eat a hamburger that
is being eaten by someone else.
      For example: Most goods that are commonly traded, from
hamburgers to furniture to 747 airplanes.
   2. Club Goods: Goods that are excludable but non-rival, or
non-subtractable. This means that while certain people can be excluded
from the consumption of a good, one person's consumption of it does
not diminish another person's.
      For example: Community services, including those provided by
religious organizations; cable television; computer software.
   3. Common-Pool Resources
      For example: Fisheries, forests, oil fields, groundwater basins,
and so on.
   4. Public Goods
      For example: National defense, public parks, street lighting,
lighthouses, and so on.
Diego Saravia

Contact: projekt

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