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[jox-tech] Re: Scientific ratings

Hi Mathieu!

2 weeks (17 days) ago Mathieu ONeil wrote:
The below text overlaps in some respect with the submission and
review process which we spent many months debating and which is now
more or less decided as expressed on the relevant site page (for
peer reviewed articles).

Ok, then it seems like you understood it. Fine with me. I don't and I
see a lot of detail questions open.

For instance a while ago Graham asked where to submit a new paper. You
didn't care to answer and frankly I think you actually don't *have* an
answer. But that really doesn't matter any longer.

You understood it, you have all the answers and you have no problem if
others don't understand and can't work with the journal. But you are
responsible and that's fine with me. I tried to be useful but
obviously I'm not able to be helpful. Fine with me. Go ahead.



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