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Re: [ox-en] word social forum/stallman/patents

On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 05:12:34AM -0500, Graham Seaman wrote:
'In spite of everything, Stalin managed to make the USSR advance in terms
of productivity, to levels which the Taliban have not achieved'

I can imagine minting a whole bunch of phrases along these lines:
'In spite of everything, Hitler managed to make Germany advance in terms
of reducing unemployment, to levels which the Taliban have not achieved'
'In spite of everything, Mussolini managed to make the trains run on 

Yes. And that is all correct. That says much about what it means to
"be productive" and is by no means a justification. Recommended
reading: "Dialektik der Aufklärung" (Horkheimer/Adorno) I did not know
the english title, sorry, but for me it is one of the best books ever


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