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On-topic and off-topic (was: Re: [ox-en] No more money trickery propaganda please)

Hi all,

Stefan Merten wrote:
I remember that in the beginning of Keimform StefanMz, Christian and
Benni banned this whole topic of money trickery altogether. They were
more clever than me.

I don't think we explicitly "banned" anything, we just defined what's
on-topic for us:

    Es geht um die Überwindung dieser warenförmigen Gesellschaft, um die
    Emanzipation der Menschen. Da Neues nicht aus dem Nichts entsteht,
    suchen wir nach Ansätzen im Jetzt - jenseits von Wert, Markt, Staat.
    Selbstorganisation und Selbstentfaltung sind für uns zentrale

    Hier hören die Gemeinsamkeiten auch schon auf. Wir haben
    unterschiedliche Vorstellungen, welche Denkformen, Theorien und Praxen
    nützlich sein können. []

To translate roughly the core points: "We have more differences that
agreements among us, but we agree on the goal of human emancipation, of
leaving commodity production behind us. Since the new doesn't emerge out of
nothing, we're looking for seeds of the new in the old. For us, the new is
not based on value, the markets, or the state, but rather on
self-organization and 'Selbstentfaltung'."

So if somebody aims to just transform the old (a different kind of market,
of money, or of state) that would be off-topic for us. I think that every
project has some kind of topic definition, sometimes explicitly stated,
sometimes implicit, and the project will run more smoothly if contributors
keep this topic in mind.

Best regards

|-------- Dr. Christian Siefkes --------- christian ---------
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Whenever philosophy has been taken seriously, it has always been assumed
that it signified achieving a wisdom which would influence the conduct of
        -- John Dewey, Democracy and Education

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