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Re: [ox-en] Some audio from the 4th Oekonux Conference

Hi list!

14 months (431 days) ago Stefan Merten wrote:
I now created the page

and moved all audio files I have meanwhile to the Oekonux server.
Among them is the material from Chris and friends and from Herbert.
I'm still waiting especially for Matthew who did most of the
recordings in room 1.

I tried very hard to get the material from Matthew (cc-ed) but after
assuring that the material does still exist Matthew doesn't answer for
some time now. I now give up and I'm really said that most of the
material from room 1 is probably lost :-( ...

The second table on the page above lists the raw material recorded by
my laptop. It certainly needs heavy processing and of course cutting.
Because of that I left the WAV files as they were.

I did no processing. May be someone from this list wants to at least
cut the raw recordings?



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