

The list

is a central mailing list of Project OekonuxRemote link. In this project people with different backgrounds investigate the question, whether the principles of the development of Gnu/Linux may serve as a foundation for a new economy. Derived from this is the question, whether the principles of Gnu/Linux may serve as a foundation of a new society.

This mailing list is a mostly English speaking list being part of Project Oekonux. There is another, mostly German speaking discussion listRemote link.

Short information

The list is not moderated. Replies to postings on the list return to the list by default. The who-command returning all list members is available only to subscribers. Subscription and unsubscription is explained in link. Every member may send to the list. As a spam protection mails from non-members are possible but not automatically forwarded to all. Please observe the conventionsScroll listed below.

An archive of the mailing list is run on the web site ( link). On the Oekonux web site under ( link) there is an introduction to some important Oekonux thoughts.


On list-en AT there is a list culture which is valued by the people on the list and usually is observed. Please also observe this culture when you want to send a mail to the list.

The following aspects are part of the conventions:

Off-topic mail (mails which do not match the topic)

Cross-posting (sending mails to several receivers)

HTML mail and other mail attachments

Replies (answers to a mail) and new threads (lines of discussion)

Subjects (subject line in the header of a mail)

Sounds horrible complicated? Doesn't matter too much because nobody will kill you if you do not observe everything. However, it would be nice if you could try to.

Thank you.