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Missing formatting (was: Re: [jox-tech] Editing debate page)

Hi Mathieu!

Yesterday Mathieu ONeil wrote:
ps. The site is looking like all the formatting is gone.

Yes. This seems to happen once in a while and it is certainly a
platform problem. I also noticed this.

The workaround I'm using is

* Login unless you are already

  You need admin rights for this but you have them.

* Go to

* Check the "Debug/development mode" box in the very beginning of the

* Hit the "Save" button close to the end of the page

* Reload the site in another window / tab

  For instance by going to and reload.

* Uncheck the "Debug/development mode" box in the very beginning of
  the page again

* Hit the "Save" button again

This should solve the problem.

*Please* make sure that you do the "uncheck" step because otherwise
the performance of the whole sever suffers!

Unfortunately I found no way to reproduce the problem so at the moment
I don't have an idea of where in the whole machinery the problem is.



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