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Re: Software as society (was: Re: Documentation Standards was Re: [ox-en] UserLinux)

* Ref.: »Re: Software as society (was: Re: Documentation Standards was Re: [ox-en] UserLinux)«
*        Niall Douglas 	(2003-12-12  13:58)

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On 12 Dec 2003 at 12:19, Casimir Purzelbaum wrote:

Ah, the old "the world is bad let's all do this this better
thing" fantasy. People will do what they think is best for

  "Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can
  change the world, are the ones who do." 
  --Apple Computer Advertisement (!)

But seriously, why are you saying this was a fantasy thing??

The difference between a vision and a fantasy is practicality. I just 
cannot see the GPL or anything like it becoming the de facto software 
license. Moreover, I view the GPL as bad for the quality of software 
and so the world would be a better place without it.

I seem to be completely missing your point here :-(

- "practicality" -- doesn't the desire to "make the world a
  better place" have mostly practical reasons?  Is there no
  practice of GPL-ing?  (at least the part of the world that is
  placed left of my desk has become a better place --in my view--
  since the GPL invaded it, and I suspect that it's
  not the only one ;-)

- cannot see GPL as the "de facto software license" -- this seems
  to be related to the business point of view we were speaking of
  earlier.  I'd agree, that all views and thoughts etc. depend on
  the point of view (and it's angle), not of "reality" taken as a
  separate thing (views on practicality included).
  (Besides, I do not like the word 'de facto standard' when
  talking about the future: it always suggests you should do
  something in a certain way for no apparent reason except that
  everybody else used to do it that way.)

Now a real question:

- Why do you think, the GPL was bad for the quality of software?
  (just because it is not as attractive for businesses
  'investments' as other licenses are? -- business-point-of-view
  again? Or do you have other points? (Pointers appreciated))

However, I recognise that it is as popular as it is because the legal 
support for software is so lousy so the GPL looks attractive on the 
surface. Patching up a leaky tire is one approach - far better is to 
replace the tire.

(Sorry to say that, but this reminds me of your statements about
fantasy and practicality and of their relationship to reality ;-)



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