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Re: [ox-en] Fwd from Martin Hardie

Hi Florian,

Basically: Why should not the ones pay, who make profit out of it?

These are distributors of the work (e.g. software), companies/people
offering commercial services for that work (software) and users making
money with the functionality of the work (software).

Taking a look at the statutes of vodes these are not mentioned:
3. Die erforderlichen materiellen Mittel sollen aufgebracht werden durch
a) Beitrittsgebühren sowie Beta Tester und Voding Mitgliedsbeiträge
b) Erträgnisse aus Veranstaltungen und anderen Diensleistungen für Mitglieder
c) Werbeeinnahmen
d) Freiwillige Spenden
e) Vermächtnisse und sonstige Zuwendungen

Putting it the other way around: Why should the ones pay, who are doing
the work?

good observation. first, vn is not about software, but - in the long run - music. i wrote the proposal on the idncc for open source because there are many similarities. generally, one would need to specifically adapt the statutues to the producing community. but i dont know enough about the internals of an oepn source community to make a serious suggestion. i leave this up to the people who know more about this.

nevertheless, you make a good point: "why should the ones pay, who are doing the work".

first, take a look at § 7 abs 2 lit (e)

Beitragsbefreiungsrecht: Nach der kVNV haben ordentliche Mitglieder das Recht sich von der Verpflichtung zur Zahlung des jährlichen Voding Beitrages befreien zu lassen. Mitglieder die auf dieses Beitragsbefreiungsrecht verzichten erhalten gemäss § 5 Abs.3 lit.
(b) automatisch den Titel “Gründungsinvoder”

basically, bt have an expemtion right and do not need to pay the annual voding contribution after the constituting voding assembly (cva) has taken place. when the cva taks place is linked to the memership number and a fundamental decision and to be decided by t-bt. imo, it should be at least 64 000. once vn has (at least) 64 000 registered users, the bt contribution is replaced by the annual voding contribution to be paid by 64 000 members. if a bt waives this right (s)he gets automatically the title "Founding invoder". in this respect, one of the functions of t-bt is to provide start up funding in exchange for cost saving at a later stage.

second, the vodes micro-reward systems allow beta testers to earn some money by providing ideas and information on the bt forum. we changed from phpbb to smf and its not completely ready yet. for instance, local information is often needed (where can vn organise a sport event? how much does it cost?) only BT can provide this information on the bt forum and they earn one Information vode for this. after the cva has taken place, iv can be exchanged into money.

im very happy to see that other are - eventually - coming up and critising the idncc structure to improve it. it has been really difficult in the past without outsider comments and im sure there are still a number of bugs in it.

Contact: projekt

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