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Re: [ox-en] Giftforge

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We need several things at once:

* have professional communities of providers

This would take the form not only of visiting experts, but of tested
formulae of distilled wisdom. While I agree that this is needed, I don't
actually see a demand for it. I believe the demand will come, and when it
does, it will be overwhelming. Most communities will be working these things
out for themselves, not building communities of knowledge, and doing badly.
Our first job will be to tell them the Global Villages path will be much
better for them, then we have to have something ready to get the ball

* have a mechanism for these communities to interlock on a physical scale
and form cycles. Mapping is a good tool to become aware of the existence
of resources, if you want it is a stone-age tool at the birth of
solidarity economics, but then you want to establish quality arrangements
and reliability and some sense of mutuality (this is really the weak point
of Oekonux / Keimform appoaches). So we would need flow maps, allowing us
to optimize physical resource flows. This in some way might replace
monetary relations. Wolfram Pfreundshuh calls it "contractual economies"
even though the term "contract" is heavilily loaded by monetary systems
and their legality.

as far as I can see, all that work is undone.

I don't understand

recently I came to see, where the local
interlocking is also a theme.

Community Tools are ready to talk to Community Forge.
We both have Drupal competancies.
We should establish much more concretely what tools communities need.

   - Currencies is solved, for now :)
   - Franz you have talked a lot about online collaboration tools. I'm not
   sure this is the best area to concentrate on because these things are
   available online cheaply and with good quality.

Other ideas:

   - Decision  / democracy
   - Knowledge Sharing between communities. There are many possible
   structure already for this, so it's a question of deploying, and maybe
   integrating, not building.
   - Noticeboards etc are similar, unless you want to aggregate between
   communities. Geotagging would great.

I really dont know if it is possible to develop a distinct system for
nonmonetary use "solely". But I am constantly agonizing about this. We
need to put our brains together.

 I don't understand the source of your agony

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Contact: projekt

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