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Re: Copyfarleft (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: Critique on "Robert Kurz * Die universelle Harry-Potter-Maschine")

On 2007-12-04 13:27, josx wrote:
Sorry for being so harsh.

No problem Stefan, sometimes It is better to be harsh.
In this thread I have read that Kleiner and Kurz dont understand what
free software is.
Who knows what is free software? The germ form?

Yes, who knows. It clearly depend on your glasses of your nose, on what 
your theoretical access to reality is. This is why we need theory, 
otherwise we see only a shining surface. On the other hand, theory is 
not a lifeless issue, we also need an empathic theory making. It is not 
an academic thing in an ivory tower.

Maybe do you mind they miss the practice level?

Maybe. Maybe they simply see reality different through their glasses. 
And maybe there are personal interests involved. Kleiner drives a 
company according to his theory etc. Finally, I don't know.


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