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  • Re: [ox-en] Wired Magazine : Open Source Everywhere, (continued)
  • oxen T01444 [ox-en] Fwd: [lists Re: [AktiviX] The Free software mode of production] Chris Croome, 15/10/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: [lists Re: [AktiviX] The Free software mode of production]
      L1, keir, 16/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: [lists Re: [AktiviX] The Free software mode of production]
        L2, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
    oxen T01441 [ox-en] Re: [prep-l] Fwd: Richard Stallman speaking at WSIS counter-summit? Chris Croome, 14/10/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [prep-l] Fwd: Richard Stallman speaking at WSIS counter-summit?
      L1, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
    oxen T01443 [ox-en] biz talk... "Prospering in the Open Source Software Era" geert lovink, 14/10/2003
    oxen T01438 [ox-en] Kuro5hin article on GPL Society Chris Croome, 12/10/2003
    oxen T01437 [ox-en] Supply-side vs. Demand-side Seth Johnson, 12/10/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Two Articles by Maureen O'Sullivan on WorldWatch.LinuxGazette
      L1, Willy Smith, 12/10/2003
    2. Re: [ox-en] Supply-side vs. Demand-side
      L1, Seth Johnson, 15/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Supply-side vs. Demand-side
        L2, Graham Seaman, 15/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] Supply-side vs. Demand-side
          L3, Seth Johnson, 15/10/2003
    oxen T01397 [ox-en] Fwd: [ox] accomodation in Vienna Stefan Merten, 10/10/2003
    oxen T01375 [ox-en] garage gene synthesis Graham Seaman, 08/10/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] garage gene synthesis
      L1, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] garage gene synthesis
        L2, Graham Seaman, 14/12/2003
    oxen T01372 Re: [ox] Oekonux and politics (was:Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between Franz Nahrada, 07/10/2003
    oxen T01363 Oekonux and politics (was:Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world) Thomas Berker, 07/10/2003
    1. [ox-en] Re: Oekonux and politics
      L1, Stefan Merten, 09/10/2003
      1. [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
        L2, Franz Nahrada, 09/10/2003
      2. [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
        L2, franz schaefer, 09/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
          L3, Stefan Merten, 10/10/2003
          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
            L4, Thomas Berker, 11/10/2003
            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
              L5, Stefan Merten, 11/10/2003
              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
                L6, Thomas Berker, 11/10/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 12/10/2003
              2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
                L6, Adam Moran, 13/10/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
                  L7, Thomas Berker, 14/10/2003
            2. OHA/ODA in English (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics)
              L5, Stefan Merten, 11/10/2003
              1. Re: OHA/ODA in English (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics)
                L6, Thomas Berker, 11/10/2003
                1. Re: OHA/ODA in English (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics)
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 11/10/2003
                2. [ox-en] Re: OHA/ODA in English
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 12/10/2003
              2. [ox-en] Re: OHA/ODA in English
                L6, Stefan Merten, 11/10/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: OHA/ODA in English
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 12/10/2003
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: OHA/ODA in English
                    L8, Graham Seaman, 12/10/2003
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: OHA/ODA in English
                      L9, Christian Siefkes, 12/10/2003
                2. Re: [ox-en] Re: OHA/ODA in English AND Englisch - nein!
                  L7, Adam Moran, 17/10/2003
              3. [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English)
                L6, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 12/10/2003
                1. SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
                  1. [ox-en] Rules and alienation (was: Re: SpamAssassin and OHA)
                    L8, Stefan Meretz, 13/12/2003
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Rules and alienation (was: Re: SpamAssassin and OHA)
                      L9, Niall Douglas, 13/12/2003
                      1. Re: [ox-en] Rules and alienation (was: Re: SpamAssassin and OHA)
                        L10, pietro, 16/12/2003
                    2. Re: [ox-en] Rules and alienation
                      L9, Stefan Merten, 28/01/2004
                      1. Re: [ox-en] Rules and alienation
                        L10, Stefan Meretz, 22/02/2004
                  2. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                    L8, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 13/12/2003
                    1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                      L9, Thomas Berker, 14/12/2003
                      1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                        L10, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 14/12/2003
                  3. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                    L8, Casimir Purzelbaum, 15/12/2003
                    1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                      L9, Graham Seaman, 15/12/2003
                      1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                        L10, Martin Hardie, 15/12/2003
                        1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                          L11, Graham Seaman, 15/12/2003
                          1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                            L12, Martin Hardie, 15/12/2003
                            1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                              L13, Graham Seaman, 15/12/2003
                              1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                                L14, Martin Hardie, 16/12/2003
                          2. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                            L12, Rich Walker, 23/12/2003
                            1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                              L13, Graham Seaman, 23/12/2003
                              1. [ox-en] Re: SpamAssassin and OHA
                                L14, Rich Walker, 29/12/2003
                                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: SpamAssassin and OHA
                                  L15, Graham Seaman, 29/12/2003
                                  1. Abolishment of democracy? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: SpamAssassin and OHA)
                                    L16, Stefan Merten, 28/01/2004
                      2. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                        L10, Casimir Purzelbaum, 15/12/2003
                        1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                          L11, Graham Seaman, 16/12/2003
                          1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                            L12, Casimir Purzelbaum, 16/12/2003
                            1. Re: SpamAssassin and OHA (was: [ox-en] SpamAssassin (was: OHA/ODA in English))
                              L13, Graham Seaman, 19/12/2003
                            2. [ox-en] Communities and society (was: Re: SpamAssassin and OHA)
                              L13, Stefan Merten, 28/01/2004
                    2. [ox-en] Rules and alienation (was: Re: SpamAssassin and OHA)
                      L9, Stefan Merten, 28/01/2004
                      1. Re: [ox-en] Rules and alienation (was: Re: SpamAssassin and OHA)
                        L10, Casimir Purzelbaum, 29/01/2004
              4. Re: OHA/ODA in English (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics)
                L6, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
          2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
            L4, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
              L5, Graham Seaman, 19/10/2003
          3. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
            L4, Stefan Meretz, 26/10/2003
            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
              L5, Graham Seaman, 26/10/2003
              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
                L6, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 15/12/2003
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
                    L8, Rich Walker, 23/12/2003
        2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Re: Oekonux and politics
          L3, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
      3. Re: [ox-en] Re: Oekonux and politics
        L2, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
    oxen T01340 [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left franz schaefer, 05/10/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
      L1, Graham Seaman, 05/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
        L2, franz schaefer, 06/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social move
          L3, Franz Nahrada, 06/10/2003
          1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, =?ISO-8859-1?Q? the?= new social move
            L4, franz schaefer, 06/10/2003
            1. [ox-en] fields of practice
              L5, Franz Nahrada, 06/10/2003
              1. [ox-en] Re: [ox] fields of practice
                L6, franz schaefer, 07/10/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] fields of practice
                  L7, Chris Croome, 07/10/2003
                2. [ox-en] looking deeper into fields of practice
                  L7, Franz Nahrada, 07/10/2003
                3. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] fields of practice
                  L7, Elaine Tsiang YueLien, 07/10/2003
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] fields of practice
                    L8, Franz Nahrada, 07/10/2003
      2. Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
        L2, Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado, 06/10/2003
      3. Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
        L2, Stefan Merten, 08/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
          L3, Graham Seaman, 08/10/2003
          1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
            L4, Stefan Merten, 12/10/2003
    2. Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
      L1, Chris Croome, 05/10/2003
    3. Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
      L1, Stefan Merten, 08/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
        L2, Thomas Berker, 08/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
          L3, Stefan Merten, 09/10/2003
      2. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
        L2, franz schaefer, 09/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
          L3, Stefan Merten, 10/10/2003
      3. Re: [ox-en] goal of oekonux, theory vs. practice, the new social movements and the left
        L2, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
    oxen T01337 [ox-en] FREE STUFF DEPARTMENT STORE geert lovink, 04/10/2003
    oxen T01334 [ox-en] 'programmers without frontiers' geert lovink, 04/10/2003
    oxen T01328 [ox-en] Englisch - nein! [was: Theses about the relation between the Oekonux ..] Graham Seaman, 03/10/2003
    1. [ox-en] Re: [ox] Englisch - nein! [was: Theses about the relation between the Oekonux ..]
      L1, Franz Nahrada, 03/10/2003
      1. [ox-en] Re: [ox] Englisch - nein! [was: Theses about the relation between the Oekonux ..]
        L2, Graham Seaman, 03/10/2003
    2. Re: [ox-en] Englisch - nein! [was: Theses about the relation between the Oekonux ..]
      L1, Graham Seaman, 10/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Englisch - nein! [was: Theses about the relation between the Oekonux ..]
        L2, Thomas Berker, 10/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] Englisch - nein! [was: Theses about the relation between the Oekonux ..]
          L3, Graham Seaman, 10/10/2003
          1. Re: [ox-en] Englisch - nein! [was: Theses about the relation between the Oekonux ..]
            L4, Benni Baermann, 10/10/2003
            1. Re: [ox-en] Englisch - nein! [was: Theses about the relation between the Oekonux ..]
              L5, Graham Seaman, 10/10/2003
    oxen T01324 [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world Stefan Merten, 02/10/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
      L1, Graham Seaman, 03/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and th
        L2, Franz Nahrada, 03/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and th
          L3, Graham Seaman, 03/10/2003
    2. [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
      L1, Christian Siefkes, 03/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
        L2, Graham Seaman, 03/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
          L3, Christian Siefkes, 03/10/2003
          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonuxproject and the remaining world
            L4, geert lovink, 04/10/2003
          2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
            L4, Graham Seaman, 04/10/2003
            1. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
              L5, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 05/10/2003
              1. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                L6, Graham Seaman, 05/10/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 07/10/2003
                  1. [ox-en] HP offers Sun customers $25K Linux incentive
                    L8, geert lovink, 07/10/2003
                  2. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                    L8, franz schaefer, 07/10/2003
                  3. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                    L8, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 08/10/2003
              2. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                L6, Stefan Merten, 07/10/2003
                1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                  L7, franz schaefer, 08/10/2003
                2. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                  L7, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 09/10/2003
                  1. [ox-en] role of science and universities
                    L8, Franz Nahrada, 09/10/2003
                    1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                      L9, Stefan Merten, 10/10/2003
                      1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                        L10, Graham Seaman, 10/10/2003
                        1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                          L11, Seth Johnson, 10/10/2003
                        2. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                          L11, Thomas Berker, 10/10/2003
                          1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                            L12, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
                            1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                              L13, Graham Seaman, 19/10/2003
                              1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                                L14, Thomas Berker, 22/10/2003
                                1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                                  L15, Graham Seaman, 22/10/2003
                                  1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                                    L16, Adam Moran, 22/10/2003
                        3. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                          L11, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
                          1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                            L12, Graham Seaman, 19/10/2003
                            1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                              L13, Graham Seaman, 19/10/2003
                              1. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                                L14, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
                      2. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                        L10, Benj. Mako Hill, 16/10/2003
                    2. Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                      L9, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 10/10/2003
                      1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                        L10, Franz Nahrada, 10/10/2003
                        1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                          L11, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
                          1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] role of science and universities
                            L12, Franz Nahrada, 17/10/2003
                  2. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                    L8, Graham Seaman, 09/10/2003
                    1. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                      L9, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 10/10/2003
                      1. Accomodation on the conference (was: Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world)
                        L10, Stefan Merten, 10/10/2003
                      2. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                        L10, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
                  3. Re: [ox] Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                    L8, Stefan Merten, 10/10/2003
            2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
              L5, Christian Siefkes, 05/10/2003
              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                L6, Stefan Merten, 06/10/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                  L7, Rich Walker, 07/10/2003
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                    L8, franz schaefer, 07/10/2003
                  2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                    L8, Per I. Mathisen, 07/10/2003
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                      L9, Stefan Merten, 08/10/2003
                    2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
                      L9, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
                      1. Political parties? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world)
                        L10, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
                        1. Re: Political parties? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world)
                          L11, Rich Walker, 13/12/2003
      2. Re: [ox-en] Re: [ox] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
        L2, Benj. Mako Hill, 06/10/2003
    3. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
      L1, Adam Moran, 06/10/2003
      1. [ox-en] the meaning of telework
        L2, Franz Nahrada, 06/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] the meaning of telework
          L3, Adam Moran, 08/10/2003
      2. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
        L2, Stefan Merten, 10/10/2003
    4. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
      L1, Benni Baermann, 06/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
        L2, Stefan Merten, 07/10/2003
        1. herrschaft: was (Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
          L3, Graham Seaman, 07/10/2003
          1. [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
            L4, Stefan Meretz, 26/10/2003
            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
              L5, Stefan Merten, 14/01/2004
              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                L6, Graham Seaman, 14/01/2004
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                  L7, Casimir Purzelbaum, 14/01/2004
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                    L8, Graham Seaman, 14/01/2004
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                      L9, Casimir Purzelbaum, 14/01/2004
                    2. New invisible hand? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft)
                      L9, Stefan Merten, 04/02/2004
                      1. Re: New invisible hand? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft)
                        L10, Casimir Purzelbaum, 07/02/2004
                2. [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                  L7, Robin Green, 14/01/2004
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                    L8, Graham Seaman, 15/01/2004
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                      L9, Robin Green, 15/01/2004
                      1. Basic income [was Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society]
                        L10, Graham Seaman, 16/01/2004
                  2. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                    L8, Franz Maria Tabei, 15/01/2004
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                      L9, Robin Green, 15/01/2004
                  3. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                    L8, Per I. Mathisen, 16/01/2004
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                      L9, Casimir Purzelbaum, 17/01/2004
                      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                        L10, magius, 17/01/2004
                        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                          L11, Casimir Purzelbaum, 17/01/2004
                          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society
                            L12, Stefan Merten, 04/02/2004
                        2. Re: [ox-en] Re: No-trade society (was: Re: herrschaft)
                          L11, Benj. Mako Hill, 25/01/2004
                3. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                  L7, Felix Stalder, 15/01/2004
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                    L8, Casimir Purzelbaum, 16/01/2004
                    1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                      L9, Felix Stalder, 16/01/2004
                      1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                        L10, Graham Seaman, 17/01/2004
                        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                          L11, Felix Stalder, 18/01/2004
                          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                            L12, Nadav Har'El, 19/01/2004
                            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                              L13, Felix Stalder, 20/01/2004
                              1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                                L14, Graham Seaman, 20/01/2004
                          2. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft [long]
                            L12, Graham Seaman, 20/01/2004
                            1. Marti's vision (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft [long])
                              L13, Stefan Merten, 04/02/2004
                      2. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                        L10, Benj. Mako Hill, 25/01/2004
                        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                          L11, Benja Fallenstein, 25/01/2004
                          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                            L12, Benj. Mako Hill, 25/01/2004
                            1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                              L13, Benja Fallenstein, 26/01/2004
                  2. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                    L8, Graham Seaman, 16/01/2004
                  3. [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                    L8, auskadi, 16/01/2004
                  4. Free Software for whom? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft)
                    L8, Stefan Merten, 04/02/2004
                4. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                  L7, Stefan Meretz, 16/01/2004
                  1. Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft
                    L8, Casimir Purzelbaum, 17/01/2004
                5. New invisible hand? (was: Re: [ox-en] Re: herrschaft)
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 04/02/2004
        2. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
          L3, Rich Walker, 17/10/2003
    5. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
      L1, Benj. Mako Hill, 06/10/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
        L2, Stefan Merten, 07/10/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world
          L3, Stefan Merten, 11/10/2003
    6. Conclusions about the theses (was: Re: [ox-en] Theses about the relation between the Oekonux project and the remaining world)
      L1, Stefan Merten, 12/10/2003
    oxen T01323 [ox-en] social networking kit requirements Franz Nahrada, 30/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] social networking kit requirements
      L1, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
    oxen T01320 [ox-en] Fwd: [Wsis] World+dog fight over World Summit of The Information Society Stefan Merten, 28/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Fwd: [Wsis] World+dog fight over World Summit of The Information Society
      L1, Graham Seaman, 29/09/2003
      1. [ox-en] China looks into Windows code
        L2, geert lovink, 30/09/2003
      2. The role of civil society during the WSIS process (was: Re: [ox-en] Fwd: [Wsis] World+dog fight over World Summit of The Information Society)
        L2, Stefan Merten, 13/12/2003
        1. [ox-en] Re: The role of civil society during the WSIS process (was: Re: [ox-en] Fwd: [Wsis] World+dog fight over World Summit of The Information Society)
          L3, Graham Seaman, 14/12/2003
          1. Civil society, representation, states (was: [ox-en] Re: The role of civil society during the WSIS process)
            L4, Stefan Merten, 28/01/2004
    oxen T01319 [ox-en] cuzco declaration/wsis Graham Seaman, 28/09/2003
    oxen T01314 [ox-en] [ox] [Air-l] 7 new papers on (fwd) Graham Seaman, 25/09/2003
    oxen T01312 [ox-en] european software patents Graham Seaman, 24/09/2003
    oxen T01310 [ox-en] Request about Posting and Replying Benj. Mako Hill, 22/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Request about Posting and Replying
      L1, Stefan Merten, 19/10/2003
    oxen T01307 [ox-en] (no subject) Marcelo Raimundo, 18/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] (no subject)
      L1, Martin Hardie, 18/09/2003
      1. [ox-en] * new publication * geert lovink: my first recession
        L2, geert lovink, 22/09/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] * new publication * geert lovink: my first recession
          L3, Stefan Merten, 19/10/2003
          1. Re: [ox-en] * new publication * geert lovink: my first recession
            L4, geert lovink, 20/10/2003
    oxen T01302 [ox-en] The Simple Economics of Open Source by Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole Chris Croome, 16/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] The Simple Economics of Open Source by Josh Lerner and Jean Tirole
      L1, Graham Seaman, 17/09/2003
      1. [ox-en] Above average profit and Red Hat
        L2, johan soderberg, 17/09/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] Above average profit and Red Hat
          L3, Stefan Merten, 23/10/2003
    oxen T01301 [ox-en] Fwd: [alien8 [Wsis] WSIS? We Seize!] Chris Croome, 16/09/2003
    oxen T01298 [ox-en] Fwd: [ox] Text: The Governance of Code: Open Land vs. UCITA Land Stefan Merten, 14/09/2003
    oxen T01295 [ox-en] Barzil: Wall Street Journal. (fwd) Graham Seaman, 09/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Barzil: Wall Street Journal. (fwd)
      L1, MJ Ray, 09/09/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Barzil: Wall Street Journal. (fwd)
        L2, Graham Seaman, 09/09/2003
    oxen T01290 [ox-en] a common place to publish our ideas WAS Cross Posting Adam Moran, 08/09/2003
    oxen T01284 [ox-en] Technical note: Lists now conform to RFCs 2369 and 2919 Stefan Merten, 08/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Technical note: Lists now conform to RFCs 2369 and 2919
      L1, MJ Ray, 08/09/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Technical note: Lists now conform to RFCs 2369 and 2919
        L2, Stefan Merten, 08/09/2003
    oxen T01280 [ox-en] Free Software's Freeness Guarenteed by US Army Invasion of Iraq*?! auskadi, 07/09/2003
    oxen T01272 [ox-en] Plans for a Linux Institute (Frederick Noronha) geert lovink, 05/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Plans for a Linux Institute (Frederick Noronha)
      L1, Stefan Merten, 19/10/2003
    oxen T01266 [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties auskadi, 05/09/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
      L1, Chris Croome, 05/09/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
        L2, auskadi, 05/09/2003
      2. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
        L2, Benj. Mako Hill, 22/09/2003
    2. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
      L1, Per I. Mathisen, 05/09/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
        L2, johan soderberg, 05/09/2003
        1. [ox-en] final program n5m festival, amsterdam
          L3, geert lovink, 05/09/2003
        2. [ox-en] forum about the art of collaboration
          L3, geert lovink, 06/09/2003
          1. Re: [ox-en] forum about the art of collaboration
            L4, gus, 10/09/2003
        3. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
          L3, auskadi, 07/09/2003
    3. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
      L1, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 07/09/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
        L2, auskadi, 07/09/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
          L3, Per I. Mathisen, 07/09/2003
          1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
            L4, auskadi, 07/09/2003
          2. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
            L4, Benj. Mako Hill, 22/09/2003
        2. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
          L3, Thomas Uwe Gruettmueller, 07/09/2003
          1. Re: [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
            L4, auskadi, 07/09/2003
            1. Re: Cross Posting WAS [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
              L5, Adam Moran, 08/09/2003
              1. Re: Cross Posting WAS [ox-en] Open Source and Denied Parties
                L6, auskadi, 08/09/2003
              2. [ox-en] Re: Cross Posting
                L6, Stefan Merten, 19/10/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Cross Posting
                  L7, Adam Moran, 20/10/2003
    oxen T01262 [ox-en] /. article: Distribution of Wealth in a Robot-Driven World Chris Croome, 31/08/2003
    oxen T01254 [ox-en] more on the DVD case froma saria auskadi, 30/08/2003
    oxen T01253 [ox-en] How about a site? Chris Croome, 29/08/2003
    1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
      L1, Benni Baermann, 30/08/2003
      1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
        L2, Chris Croome, 30/08/2003
        1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
          L3, MJ Ray, 30/08/2003
          1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
            L4, Chris Croome, 30/08/2003
            1. [ox-en] New Member Introduction and Article Link
              L5, Willy Smith, 30/08/2003
            2. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
              L5, MJ Ray, 30/08/2003
              1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                L6, Chris Croome, 04/09/2003
                1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                  L7, Benni Baermann, 04/09/2003
                  1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                    L8, Chris Croome, 25/09/2003
                    1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                      L9, Benni Baermann, 26/09/2003
                      1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                        L10, Chris Croome, 26/09/2003
                        1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                          L11, Graham Seaman, 28/09/2003
                          1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                            L12, Chris Croome, 28/09/2003
                2. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                  L7, Graham Seaman, 04/09/2003
                  1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                    L8, auskadi, 04/09/2003
                  2. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                    L8, Chris Croome, 04/09/2003
                3. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                  L7, Stefan Merten, 19/10/2003
                  1. Re: [pox] Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                    L8, Graham Seaman, 20/10/2003
                    1. Re: [pox] Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                      L9, Chris Croome, 21/10/2003
                      1. Re: [pox] Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                        L10, Graham Seaman, 21/10/2003
                        1. Re: [pox] Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                          L11, Stefan Meretz, 26/10/2003
                    2. Re: [pox] Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                      L9, Stefan Merten, 23/10/2003
                      1. ReStructuredText, was: Re: [pox] Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                        L10, Chris Croome, 23/10/2003
                        1. [ox-en] Re: ReStructuredText
                          L11, Stefan Merten, 26/10/2003
                      2. [ox-en] Re: Which Fedora is the real Fedora?
                        L10, Martin Hardie, 24/11/2003
                        1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Which Fedora is the real Fedora?
                          L11, Benj. Mako Hill, 24/11/2003
                          1. Re: [ox-en] Re: Which Fedora is the real Fedora?
                            L12, Martin Hardie, 24/11/2003
                  2. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                    L8, Chris Croome, 16/01/2004
                    1. Re: [ox-en] How about a site?
                      L9, Chris Croome, 17/01/2004

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